    内容摘要  算盘是华夏民族千百年来智慧的产物,漫长的发展过程,时间赋予了它丰富的文化。作为我国历史文化象征之一的算盘,从明初到上世纪末在社会上的作用十分突出,会使用算盘的是大有人在。2001年,国务院为了减轻全国中小学生的负担从而讲珠算从教学大纲中删去。由此,珠算渐渐被世人遗忘在角落。2013年年底,联合国教科文组织在阿塞拜疆宣布“中国珠算”正式被列入“世界非物质文化遗产项目”。虽然申遗成功,但珠算依然没有被世人关注,不由的担心:这样下去,我们的后代只能在博物馆里看见算盘,那么会敲打算盘的人更将寥寥无几。所以,为了避免算盘及其文化被淡忘,所以选择该题材作为毕业设计选题,并将算盘及其文化用视觉化的语言表现出来,从而进一步传播算盘文化,让当代大学生感受算盘丰富的内涵文化,提高他们对算盘的重视度和好感度,从而传承传统文化。 本项目深度研究了算盘的起源与发展、种类以及有算盘衍生出来的文化,并挖掘出有价值的部分,再制定一系列的广告传播策略和设计成图进行宣传扩散。整体传播活动结合线上线下进行。围绕“算盘”展开话题,引发受众关注并讨论,为后续活动造势。线下活动引爆话题,再次吸引受众关注,主动参与,将活动动态回传至线上,由此形成线上线下闭合传播。用不同媒介组合将传播效果达到最大化。在创意表现方面将算盘文化进行视觉化设计,用图形表现核心概念,让受众更加快速接收到主题信息,从而提升传播效果。   37216
    Abstract  Abacus is the wisdom product of Chinese nation. It has a history of more than two thousand yeas in China. The long history also gave it precious cultural background. As one of historical and cultural symbol in China, it had played an very important part from the early Ming dynasty to the end of last century. And almost everyone could use it as calculation tool during that time. However, in 2001, the state council in order to reduce the study stress of the primary and secondary school students, the abacus was removed from the syllabus. Hence, abacus was gradually forgotten. On December 4, 2013, the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in Azerbaijan declared "Chinese abacus" officially listed as "world intangible cultural heritage projects. Although abacus was listed, but it is still not be taken seriously, so we have to concern that if nothing changed in future, our children would only see it in museums and few people would be able to use the abacus. In order to keep the abacus and its culture. So, we choose this subject as our graduation project. And furthermore, in our project, the abacus and its culture will be expressed by visual methods. So as to further spread abacus culture, making more contemporary college students feel the abacus culture. Also it helps capture students' attention and improve the affection degrees of abacus. Even it will better inherit the traditional culture.  This project is aim to study deeply the origin and development of abacus as well as the types and culture. Meanwhile, it could dig out the valuable information, so that we can formulate a series of the strategy on advertising communication and transmit the design plan to public. The whole advertising communication activity will be held through the online and offline. Based on the topic of abacus and spread it that would attract audiences' attention and make them join the discussion actively, then the future activities would be well prepared. The offline activities set off the topic so that it would attract more audiences' attention and more people would like to participate the activities. After that, we send the information to online, thereby, the online-offline spread of closure would be made. With  combination of different media to maximize communication effect. At aspect of creativity is to make abacus culture visual, the core concepts in graphics is to let the audience more quickly to receive theme information, so as to improve communication effect. 
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