     Abstract  In this paper, through questionnaire statistical data, using SPSS software analysis of jiangsu residents fertility intentions in "two-child fertility" policy implementation conditions change and regional differences. Based on the residents' understanding of policy, reproductive decisions, ideal birth child number and the number of children before and after the policy change, "two-child fertility" policy Angle, to the influence of different examination state couple combined with demographic characteristics are analyzed. Results show that the rural policy known to this degree is not high, especially in northern jiangsu rural areas; High economic development level of regional age couples attitudes change, fertility intention is not strong; Rural residents eligible for the "two-child fertility" policy enthusiasm more than the city residents; Urban residents ideal number of children below the number of rural residents' children, and north jiangsu residents fertility intentions than southern jiangsu; Subei rural residents fertility intentions less affected by the national policies, most keep original ideas. Income, children education has become the main southern jiangsu rural residents fertility decision factors. Conclusion: the implementation of the "two-child fertility" policy, make some eligible couples change their fertility intentions, calls for the government related department shall timely complete response, timely adjust to meet challenges brought about by the strategic adjustment of family planning.
    Key words: Jiangsu province; "two-child fertility" policy; Fertility intention; population
     目      录
    1.引言    4
    1.1 我国计划生育政策对育龄夫妇生育行为的影响    4
    1.2 江苏省人口特征    4
    2.研究对象与研究方法    5
    2.1 研究对象与样本分析    5
    2.2 研究方法    6
    2.3 统计数据分析    6
    3.“单独二孩”政策的核心内容    6
    4.问卷调查结果    7
    4.1 “单独二孩”政策对育龄夫妇的影响    7
    4.1.1多数夫妇对“单独二孩”政策略有了解    7
    4.1.2未生育、高收入、高学历夫妇的生育决策受政策影响较大    8
    4.2 城市与农村居民自然生育愿望的差异    9
    4.2.1 江苏省城市居民自然生育愿望的差异    9
    4.2.2 江苏省农村居民自然生育愿望的差异    10
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