    摘  要:在经济飞速发展的今天,环境问题十分突出,已经成为制约经济发展的重要因素,人们对于环境需求的增长与环境质量下降的矛盾逐渐突出。江阴市作为全国百强县之首,经济发展的速度令人惊叹,但江阴在环境保护方面依然存在较大问题和挑战。本文在对江阴市在治理大气环境质量方面的措施进行研究与分析的同时,对江阴市近几年的大气质量数据进行探讨。研究表明江阴市在大气环境质量方面做得相对全面,但仍有所欠缺。针对江阴市大气环境治理提出一些治理对策:第一,就生产性污染的三大类不同情况,提出使用清洁能源、优化产业结构以及改良技术的治理对策;第二,就生活污染中的煤炉燃烧与焚烧秸秆产生的污染,提出政府强化宣传以及加强立法的策略,并提倡植树造林;第三,就交通运输性污染,建议从源头上解决,如以天然气代替汽油作为燃料,或政府为电动汽车提供强有力的后备支持等。40321
    Analysis and evaluation of atmospheric environment in Jiangyin
    Abstract:Nowadays, with the rapid development of economy, the problem of environment is very outstanding, has become an important factor restricting economic development. people's demand for environmental growth and environmental degradation of contradictions increasingly prominent. Jiangyin as a counties, the speed of national economic development is amazing, but Jiangyin still has larger problems and challenges in environmental protection. In this paper , research and analysis on the management of the atmospheric environmental quality in Jiangyin city in, carries on the discussion to the air quality data of Jiangyin city in the last few years. Studies have shown that Jiangyin is relatively comprehensive in terms of quality of atmospheric environment, but is still lacking. Put forward some countermeasures for Jiangyin atmospheric environmental governance: First, according to different situation of the three categories of productive pollution, use clean energy, optimize the industrial structure, and modify treatment; Second, for coal combustion in the life and pollution from the burning of straw, put forward the strategies of the government to strengthen the propaganda and strengthen the legislation, and advocate for afforestation; Third, in view of the transportation pollution, from the source to solve the problem is suggested in this article. For example, the government should encourage with natural gas instead of gasoline as fuel, also, the government can provide strong backup support for electric vehicles.
    Keywords: Atmospheric environment; Air quality index; Evaluation; Countermeasures
    1. 引言    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究目的    1
    1.3研究方法与思路    1
    2. 研究区概况    2
    2.1 地理概况    2
    2.2 人文概况    2
    3. 江阴市大气环境质量现状分析与评价    3
    3.1江阴市前几年大气环境质量状况    3
    3.2江阴市大气质量现状评价    4
    4. 江阴市大气环境治理对策研究    7
    4.1江阴市环境管理现状分析    7
        4.11 高质量地推进总量减排,排污总量持续降低    7
        4.12 以高效率护航经济发展,服务转型更加科学    7
        4.13 以高频率开展专项行动,环境执法更加严格    7
        4.14 以高标准推进环境整治,环境质量持续改善    7
        4.15 用高要求文护环境安全,环境风险持续降低    7
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