    Waterfront Urban Development Strategy—— Nantong City
    Abstract:Waterfront City is a good means has extensive water resources, but also to take advantage of the waterfront, promoting urban economic development and urban renewal amount, so that the city and the water organic blending city. Waters gave birth to cities and urban culture, urban development is an important factor. In this paper, Waterfront City - Nantong City as the object, will combine the characteristics of waterfront city of Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, a strategic study of urban development, based on the characteristics of Riverside sea of Nantong, Nantong analyze the advantages and disadvantages of urban development, for the gifted disadvantages to study the urban development strategy, combined with their own situation in Nantong City, from a long-term vision to make urban development objectives, priorities and measures to analyze the relationship between water and urban development for the development of Nantong city into a more mature sound with the "Nantong characteristics "of the waterfront city to provide a basis both inside and outside, relying on its own strengths into the regional integration.
    Keywords:Nantong City, waterfront, development strategy
    1   引言    1
    1.1 研究意义    1
    1.2 南通市城市概况    1
    3   南通市城市发展的优劣势    3
    3.1  优势    3
           3.1.1 区位优势    3
    3.1.2 港口优势    3
    3.1.3 人力资源优势    3
    3.1.4 政策优势    4

    3.2  劣势    4
    3.2.1 经济基础薄弱且区域发展不平衡    4
    3.2.2 中心城市缺乏带头作用    5
    3.2.3 交通系统不完善    5
    4   南通市滨水城市发展战略    5
    4.1  发展目标    5
    4.2  发展重点    6
    4.3 发展措施与对策    6
           4.3.1 根据区位选择适合的发展模式    6
           4.3.2 要统筹沿江沿海空间布局    6
           4.3.3 积极把握发展机遇,充分利用资源    7
           4.3.4 促进产业结构优化和创新,构建现代产业体系    8
           4.3.5 完善交通系统,增设基础设施    8
           4.3.6 在发展过程中要注重绿色发展,可持续发展    8 
    5   结语    9
    参考文献    9
     1 引言
    1.1 研究意义
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