    摘  要:林地土壤是森林植被生长的载体,对文护森林生态系统的良好循环有着十分重要的意义。针对徐州市城市森林的现状与问题,通过野外调查和室内分析,以徐州城市森林中6种典型林分下土壤为研究对象,在系统研究土壤物理化学生物学特性的基础上,选择腐殖质层厚度、枯落层厚度、土层厚度、粘粒含量、容重、磷酸酶活性、有机质、pH值、全氮、阳离子交换量、水解性氮、速效钾、有效磷等13项指标,结合森林土壤的4种功能性指标,构建适合该城市森林土壤健康评价指标体系;通过SPSS软件对获得的数据进行分析,确定各个指标的权重;最后选用加权综合法,计算该城市不同林分下土壤健康指数。结果表明,徐州城市森林中6种典型林分下土壤健康排序为:毛白杨+银杏混交林(0.64)>悬铃木+泡桐混交林 (0.61)>香樟林(0.58)>雪松林(0.52)>侧柏林(0.39)>刺槐林(0.37)。40745
    Research on urban forest soil properties and health index in Xuzhou
    Abstract: Soil is the carrier of forest vegetation growth, which has very important significance in maintaining the good circulation of forest ecosystem. In view of the present situation and existing problems of Xuzhou urban forest and through field investigation and indoor analysis take urban forest in Xuzhou under the 6 kinds of typical forest soil as the research object, making system research of soil physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Choosing the thickness of humus layer, dry layer and soil layer thickness, clay content, bulk density, phosphatase activity, organic matter, pH, total nitrogen, cation exchange capacity, hydrolysis, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as 13 effective phosphorus indicators and combined with the four functional indexes of forest soil construct the evaluation index system of urban forest soil health; Through SPSS software to analyze the data, determine the weight of each index and use weighted synthesis to calculate soil health index in city which is under different stand types. Results of urban forest health sorted in Xuzhou which is under the six kinds of typical forest soil show that: the mixed forest of populus tomentosa and gingko (0.64) > the mixed forest of sycamore and paulownia (0.61) >the forest of camphor (0.58) > the forest of cedar  (0.52) > the forest of platycladus orientalias (0.39) > the forest of black locust (0.37).
    Key words:Urban forest; soil properties; soil health index; Xuzhou
    1  绪论    1
       1.1  目的意义    1
       1.2  国内外研究进展    2
       1.3  研究技术路线    3
    2   材料与方法    4
       2.1  研究区自然概况     4
       2.2  研究内容与实验方法     5
          2.2.1  样地设置及调查内容    5
          2.2.2  土样分析方法    6
          2.2.3  森林土壤健康评价方法      6
    3   结果与分析    6
       3.1  森林土壤的物理特性分析    6
       3.2  森林土壤的化学特性分析    7
       3.3  森林土壤的生物学特性以及物种多样性分析    8
       3.4  土壤健康指数评价    10
         4  结论与讨论    12
    参考文献    13
    1  绪论
    1.1 目的意义
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