    摘要: 针对南阳市汉水流域土壤侵蚀的现状及保持状况,文章从气候、地形、地质、土壤、植被、人为等方面分析总结了该流域土壤侵蚀的原因,结合水土流失的分类强度,总结出该流域中轻度、中度的水土流失情况最严重,其中在陡坡的耕地上易发生面蚀,在高度低于0.5千米的丘陵区易发生沟蚀,而在那些降雨过多的地区很容易就出现重力侵蚀现象。此外,文章还借鉴了国内外其他地方的水土流失治理对策,最终归纳出了7种有效治理对策,包括政策、法规、林草、人口、经济等,并指出该流域的工作重点在建立示范性生态工程,做好封山育林工作,做好移民工作,还要加大资金投入,支持奖励课题研究,培养水土保持技术后备力量。40744
    Soil Erosion and Its countermeasure in Han River basin in Nan yang city
    Abstract:According to the present situation and the development condition of the soil erosion and its countermeasures in Han River basin of Nanyang city ,this paper further unifies all the investigation and study of this basin soil erosion special details and analysis them from climate, terrain, geological, soil, vegetation, artificial and so on.With summing up the harm which this basin soil erosion reason and produced, this paper points out that Northward rerouting of southern river median line project Nanyang Hans River basin soil erosion by mild and moderate corrosion primarily. The Han River basin of Nanyang city has the surface erosion, the furrowing and the gravity corrodes 3 kind of types, in which surface erosion mainly occurs in the slope farming area, the furrowing mainly occurs in the elevation 500 m following rolling countries, the gravity corrodes mainly occurs in the rainstorm central area.It also references the other place of soil erosion governance treatment countermeasures of the rest of the domestic and foreign.Eventually the paper has summed up 7 species effective governance countermeasures, including policy,regulations,forest grass,population, and economic,and then it pointed out that the basin of work should focus in establishing demonstration sex ecological engineering,closing hillsides to work as well as doing immigrants work.In addition, the goverment should also increased funds inputs, support award subject research, training soil and water conservation technology reserve power.
    Key words: Han River basin in Nanyang city; soil erosion; causes of formation; harnessing countermeasures
    0引言    1
    1 南阳市汉水流域的地理概况    1
    2南阳市汉水流域水土流失现状    1
    2.1南阳市汉水流域水土流失现状的特征    1
    2.1.1南阳市汉水流域土壤侵蚀的分级    1
    2.1.2南阳市汉水流域土壤侵蚀的分类及成因    2 面蚀    2 沟蚀    2重力侵蚀    3
    2.2南阳市汉水流域水土流失的危害    3
    2.2.1减少土地资源,毁坏农田    3
    2.2.2导致淤积,消减水利效益    3
    2.2.3污染水质,影响生态平衡    3
    3南阳市汉水流域水土流失的因素分析    4
    3.1地质因素    4
    3.2地貌因素    4
    3.3气候因素    5
    3.4土壤因素    5
    3.5植被因素    6
    3.6人为因素    6
    3.6.2滥砍滥伐,过度放牧    7
    3.6.3 开矿建路,过度开发    7
    4南阳市汉水流域土壤侵蚀治理状况    7
    4.1水土保持林地措施的实施    7
    4. 2水土保持耕作措施的实施    9
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