

    关键词  生产物流  系统布置设计  系统化搬运分析  生产物流信息管理系统


    Title    Analyzing and improving the production logistics of automobile transmission              


    Production logistics is the core of manufacturing enterprise logistics constitutes production,and reasonable and efficient logistics system ensures the production efficiency and output efficiency of the enterprise. But there are many problems in the production logistics of traditional manufacturing industry that need to optimize the production logistics technology through the method and theory to design the production logistics system. As the research object of the workshop of the IVECO transmission company which is analyzed the reasons of the problems, redesigned of workshop production logistics system improvement program. Planning and designing the workshop facilities by System Layout Planning (SLP) method, make the transportation route shortest, the layout reasonable; Designing the material handling scheme by System Handing Analysis (SHA) method, makes the transportation, handling equipment and transport unit optimized and the material handling system the most economic, the most appropriate; Finally, building the Production Logistics Information Management System (PLMIS), improves the logistics management process, improves the comprehensive management level. The expected effect of the project evaluation is better to achieve the expected improvement benefits.

    Keywords  Production logistics   System Layout Planning  System Handing Analysis

    Production Logistics Information Management System

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究的背景与意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  生产物流概述 2

    1.4  主要研究内容和研究思路 3

    2  汽车变速器公司概况及现状分析 5

    2.1 企业概况 5

    2.2  箱装车间生产物流现状 7

    2.3  箱装车间问题的原因分析 8

    2.4  本章小结 10

    3  车间生产物流系统改进方案设计 11

    3.1 生产物流系统改进目标与原则 11

    3.2  箱装车间布局规划设计 12

    3.3  箱装车间搬运方案设计 20

    3.4  生产物流信息管理系统

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