


    The Marketing Strategy Research of Home Inns Hotel Group 

    Abstract: From a marketing point of view referred to budget inns will first think of Europe and the United States, because early background coupled with a market economy, in many Western countries the industry has formed a relatively complete mature industry. In different social environments in China than in the West country, Inn actually is quite late, mainly due to the rise of mass leisure tourism development. 14 years as one day, such as the family did not forget the beginner's mind has been a "public accommodation industry leaders of excellence" that goal in mind, firm implementation of the "home" culture. After entering a new era, entered a stage of rapid development of China's Internet industry, such as home group with strong market sense began to enter the field of electronic commerce. Thus, opening of the online booking system for hotels to provide yet more tourists from far apart from each other. This article is to analyze the home group's marketing strategy study and comparison with the same grade hotel, home group will summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the marketing strategies to refine and make comments and suggestions for improvement based on. According to the theory of combination of home in today's market, looking forward to home to continue invincible Chinese economy class hotels. 

    Key Words:Shortcut hotel; Home Inn Hotel; network marketing  

    目    录

    摘  要……………………………………………………………………….1


    一、如家酒店集团的市场现状 2

    (一)如家酒店集团的简介 2

    (二)如家酒店集团的发展现状 3

    (三)如家酒店集团的市场定位 4

    二、如家酒店集团的营销策略 4

    (一)准确的定位策略 5

    (二)品牌领先策略 5

    (三)服务特色营销策略 6


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