


    The role of "The International" in Dota2 games promotion of inquiry

    Abstract: With China's rapid economic development, people's living standard improvement, the pursuit of cultural life is increasing. This greatly contributed to the development of cultural industries, China's game industry has entered a period of rapid development. In China many online games, Dota2 this online sports games has a pivotal position in the Chinese game market. As a competitive game, since 2010, we organize various competitions every year large sizes, where "international tournament" is one of the largest of these events, because the game is only in recent years began operating domestic outside of this study is relatively small, then access to relevant information on the Internet and books, according to today's game development carried out on the "international tournament" research, and for today's game Dota2 how the market promotion activity. Less trapped in previous studies, will seek information through various channels, focusing on the "how it works", "propaganda against the domestic game," "learn from mistakes what place 'Shanghai special Championships' in the presence of" three aspects to elaborate.

    Keywords: The International; Dota2; promotion; inquiry


    一、绪论 - 1 -

    (一)选题背景 - 1 -

    (二)学术史回顾 - 2 -

    (三)研究思路与方法 - 2 -

    二、“国际邀请赛”的基本形态与发展历程 - 4 -

    (一)基本形态及发展历程 - 4 -

    (二)赛事现状 - 4 -

    三、“国际邀请赛”主办方的运作方式 - 5 -

    (一)在“门票”上下功夫 - 5 -

    (二)游戏装备和对“门票”深入挖掘 - 6 -

    (三)赛事的邀请制度以及开启“四大联赛”模式 - 8 -

    四、对国内的影响 - 8 -

    (一)促进国内电子竞技产业高速发展 - 8 -

    (二)促进电竞产业发展 - 9 -

    五、2016年“上海特锦赛”失误之处及其借鉴 - 10 -

    (一)设备问题 - 10 -


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