


    Research on brand extension strategy--a case study of Haier

    Abstract:With the development of enterprise product persification, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the brand extension strategy has become the strategy of many companies to launch new products. Based on the domestic and foreign enterprises, the brand extension study and understand the basis of research results, that the extension of the parent brand, and how the brand extension at the same time try to avoid risk and does not damage the parent brand value still needs further research. Brand extension is the enterprise will have a certain position of the brand to use a new product or a new member of the original products. Enterprises to use this strategy to increase and the brand value, reduce the new product promotion marketing spending, by providing more product categories to increase profitability. In recent years, more and more fierce market competition, marketing costs are also rising, new products into the market is facing a growing risk. Brand extension has become a common brand development strategy and new product launch strategy, and more and more attention from domestic and foreign enterprises. The based on analysis for the Haier brand extension strategy, as well as for the Haier brand extension success or failure reason analysis of brand extension decision factors and brand extension of the implementation steps, and analyzes the way to avoid the risk of brand extension, help the enterprise to correct and safe implementation of brand extension strategy.

    Key words: Brand extension; Haier; brand extension decision;risk aversion


    一、 绪论 1

    (一) 课题的选题背景 1

    (二)课题研究的目的和意义 1

    1、研究目的 1

    2、研究意义 1

    (三)品牌延伸文献综述 2

    (四)本文的研究思路 2

    二、 品牌延伸的理论概述 4

    (一)品牌延伸的定义 4

    (二) 品牌延伸的类型 4

    1、 产品线延伸 4

    2、 跨线延伸 5

    3、 副品牌延伸 5

    三、 海尔公司的品牌延伸现状分析 6

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