    毕业论文关键词:职场新人; 组织支持感; 组织支持需求; 组织承诺
    Organizational commitment is an important concept in the organizational behavior and human resource management ,which is a coupling of relationship between employee and organization. In numerous studies show that organizational commitment is an important determinants which affects employee attitude for the organization, employee behavior and job performance, especially has a larger effect on turnover. In the present ,study show that perceived organizational support can significantly predict organizational commitment. In light of the present condition of the market the high turnover rate, in this paper, through literature study and questionnaire survey, to enter the workplace after graduation three years the newbies as the research object, discuss the influences of perceived organizational support on organizational commitment. Research has shown that perceived organizational support and organizational commitment has significant positive correlation. In addition, the newbies feel most colleagues support, but demand for instrumental support. To this, this paper puts forward the corresponding Suggestions.
    Key words:newbies; perceived organizational support; demand for instrumental support; organizational commitment
    目   录
    摘    要    I
    Abstract    II
    一、绪论    1
    ㈠ 研究背景    1
    ㈡ 研究方法    1
    ㈢ 研究问题    2
    二、研究综述    3
    ㈠ 概念界定    3
    ㈡ 组织支持感的结构和影响因素    3
    ㈢ 组织承诺的结构和影响因素    4
    ㈣ 组织支持与组织承诺的关系研究    4
    三、数据分析    5
    ㈠ 样本特征描述性统计分析    5
    ㈡ 职场新人的组织支持感分析    6
    ㈢ 职场新人的组织支持需求分析    7
    ㈣ 职场新人的组织承诺分析    8
    ㈤ 组织支持感对职场新人组织承诺的影响分析    9
    ㈥ 数据分析总结    12
    四、研究结果讨论    13
    ㈠ 职场新人的组织支持感现状    13
    ㈡ 职场新人组织支持需求现状    14
    ㈢ 职场新人的组织承诺现状    14
    ㈣ 组织支持感对组织承诺的影响分析    15
    五、管理建议    16
    ㈠ 明确企业愿景和员工晋升渠道,满足职场新人个人成长需要    16
    ㈡ 建立健全职场新人的培训制度    17
    ㈢ 完善薪酬制度,配套有效的新员工激励机制    17
    ㈣ 创建关怀环境,提高职场新人组织支持感受    17
    六、研究不足    17
    参考文献    19
    致  谢    20
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