    Small and medium-sized enterprises has become an important part of the national economy,They need more money in the development of strong support,but there ability is either in the rich resources of developed countries,developing countries or instage of development, the big Banks are adopting discriminatory credit policy for small and medium-size denterprises Small and medium-size denterprise operation risk big,the financing amount is small,short duration,high frequency,and difficult to big Banks provide loans to the credit rating,mortgage and guarantee、Community Banks for solving the problem of financing for small businesses and inpidual and industrial and commercial door important departments,to promote coordinated development of economic and financial and community play are gulatory role,help the economy harm onious and healthy development.
    In this article,through draw lessons from foreign experience,the development of community Banks from the correct orientation and community Banks play the advantages of community Banks,function,this paper studies how to build the core competitiveness of community Banks,so  as to promote the development of community Banks,to advance is to optimize the existing bank organizational structure and improve financial efficiency of resource allocation.
    Keywords:Community Banks;The core competitiveness;Financing
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    一、引言    1
    (一)研究背景和意义    1
    (二)社区银行文献综述    2
    (三)国内外学者对社区银行概念的界定    3
    (四)我国社区银行的发展现状及特点    4
    二、我国发展社区银行的意义    5
    (一)有利于改善对中小企业融资瓶颈问题    5
    (二)是解决农村金融困境的可行途径    6
    (三)有利于遏制民间非法融资的蔓延和发展    6
    三、我国社区银行发展中面临的现实问题    7
    (一)社区银行业务风险高,风险控制能力相对较弱    7
    (二)金融产品缺乏特色,服务客户能力有待提高    7
    (三)政府支持和监管有待进一步加强    7
    四、构建我国社区银行核心竞争力的思路    8
    (一)合理的市场定位,加强社区银行自身建设    8
    (二)完善现代银行治理结构    9
    (三)培养专业管理人才    9
    (四)加强对社区银行的政策支持    10
    参考文献    11
    致谢    12
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