    毕业论文关键词:电动自行车; 交通管理; 规范化
    Up to now, an increasing number of people consider the electric bicycle as their main transportation in a large number of cities. It has been widely used in people's daily life because of its economical efficiency,convenience and environmental protection. However, with the development of the electric bicycle,traffic violations and accidents frequently occur, it not only affects the traffic order but also probably results in more casualties and property losses. Influenced by management subject, management object, driving environment, laws and regulation, it is not easy for the government to control all the situations about electric bicycle. In addition, the management department still is short of solution which is effective. Consequently, the electric bicycle traffic management in Zhongshan is in dilemma. At this stage, the concept of specification in electric bicycle traffic management is enhancing. Therefore, how to find a way out from the dilemma is becoming a focus of Zhongshan government sector.
    The focus of this graduation thesis is not only “Traffic Safety” but also “Traffic Management”. In order to have a good knowledge of a general situation about electric bicycle, I mainly carried out a survey among citizens which live in Zhongshan and gathered some valuable information. Basing on these, the graduation thesis was written. At the same time, I find the disadvantages of traffic management’s operations and then analyze the causes of formation. It hopes to put forward some reasonable countermeasures and suggestions which are beneficial to standardize management of electric bicycle.
    Key words:Electric bicycle; Traffic management; Standardize
    目    录
    摘  要    Ⅰ
    Abstract    Ⅱ
    一、绪论    1
    研究背景    1
    ㈡ 研究目的及意义    1
    ㈢ 研究现状    1
    ㈣ 研究思路    2
    ㈤ 研究方法    2
    二、中山市电动自行车发展现状    3
    ㈠ 中山市电动自行车使用情况    3
    1.电动自行车使用群体    3
    2.市民对电动自行车的印象    4
    ㈡ 电动自行车产生的交通问题    4
    1.违章行为多发扰乱城市交通秩序    4
    2.交通事故频发危及人身财产安全    5
    三、中山市电动自行车交通管理的困境    5
    ㈠ 交通管理存在的问题    6
    1.交通管理职能履行不到位    6
    2.交通管理方式起争议    6
    3.交通管理作用效果不明显    7
    ㈡ 交通管理问题成因分析    7
    1.行车环境影响交通管理    8
    2.交通管理法律依据不足    8
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