    ABSTRACT At present, the social and economic sustainable development, people's income level is enhancing unceasingly. In such a large environment, the status of fruit and aquatic products in agricultural production is more and more important, so the fruit of the logistics of aquatic products put forward higher requirements. Nowadays, Production and circulation of fruit and aquatic products and sales had greater development, fruits and aquatic product wholesale logistics has gradually good development trend, not only improve the quality management and also provide a good shopping environment for people. Therefore, the fruit of aquatic product market need to establish a good logistics system, in the cause of better promote the development of fruit industry, aquatic products logistics. As most of the wholesale market, Jingjiang Haikang fruit wholesale market of aquatic products is also trying to find the optimal path of the logistics system, for better development.
    Through logistics development present situation of domestic and overseas, the Jingjiang Haikang fruit wholesale market of aquatic products logistics mode optimization are discussed, understanding our fresh fruit logistics system. Jingjiang Haikang fruit wholesale market of aquatic products as the background by of Jingjiang Haikang fruit wholesale market of aquatic products logistics system research and analysis, based on a certain theoretical knowledge, and combined with the actual situation of the market, the logistics system to make evaluation and put forward suggestions for improvement measures.
    Key words: Fruit aquaculture; logistics optimization strategy; measures
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    第一章  生鲜水果物流现状分析    1
    1.1国内外物流现状    1
    1.1.1国内物流现状    1
    1.1.2国外物流现状    1
    1.2生鲜水果的物流发展趋势    2
    第二章  生鲜水果物流优化的相关理论    3
    2.1生鲜水果物流的基本概念    3
    2.2生鲜水果物流的特点    3
    第三章  靖江海康果品水产批发市场物流现状    4
    3.1靖江海康果品水产批发市场简介    4
    3.2靖江海康果品水产批发市场物流现状分析    4
    3.2.1在果品水产的运输与配送方面    4
    3.2.2在果品水产的储存方面    5
    3.2.3在果品水产的包装方面    5
    3.3靖江海康果品水产批发市场物流存在的问题    6
    3.3.1运输方式过于单一,缺乏专业的运输设备    6
    3.3.2物流储存过程中技术水平和设备落后    6
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