

    With the rapid growth of the Internet advertising market, the domestic online advertising model has been evolved, so as to cater to the experience of Internet users to ensure that the interests of advertisers. The rapid rise of WeChat and other mobile Internet products to a great impact for the major portals, forums and other traditional online advertising platform, banners, pop, hanging side hard advertising has been the majority of users of rejection. At the same time, rich media ads, soft text advertising, event marketing, word of mouth marketing soft advertising communication model is easier to get the audience to accept more. Comparing the two, some advertisements to pop, mandatory, can improve the ad click through rate, but it may violate the mandatory Internet users will, resulting in a poor user experience, which leads to the Internet advertisers advertising boycott; soft advertising subtle is "soft", usually with a soft essay the form, does not directly indicate the intention is to enhance the corporate image, brand awareness. A point worthy of recognition, advertising and soft advertising has its specific role, should be effectively combined, so that to maximize the network advertising revenue. This paper aims to study the advertising model of Taizhou nineteen, this kind of traditional network community forum, from the advertiser, the public platform and user experience to explore three aspects of how to provide more suitable for the network of community advertisement audience, more intimate, more accurate advertising network service.


    Keyword: Online advertising model; Internet advertising; network community; advertising; soft advertising

    第1章 绪论 25

    1.1研究背景及意义 25

    1.2研究内容 25

    1.3研究方法 25

    第2章 网络广告模式(背景分析) 26

    第3章 台州十九楼网络广告现状 26

    3.1各类广告位投放选择 27

    3.1.1横幅广告 27

    3.1.2弹窗广告 27

    3.1.3背投广告 27

    3.1.4首页图文链接广告 27

    3.1.5商家入驻广告 27


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