

    In order to meet the growing spiritual and cultural demands of inhabitants better, the research on public cultural service oriented by the demands of inhabitants becomes imperative. This paper takes the nearest library around inhabitants - community library as an example, and concludes that community library needs increasing propaganda, a reasonable allocation of funds and opening hours and other strategies to meet the demands of inhabitants better. Meanwhile, the paper also discuss the functional orientation of community-based public cultural service, the relationship between public cultural service and its clients and the relationship between the government, public cultural service and its clients, and concludes that public cultural service is regional and its clients have regional differences, etc.

    毕业论文关键词:居民需求; 公共文化服务; 社区图书馆

    Keyword: demands of inhabitants; public cultural service; community library

    一、研究缘起 4

    (一)社会需要 4

    (二)理论发展 4

    二、概念的界定 5

    (一)公共文化服务 5

    (二)公民权利 5

    三、夏阳街道社区图书馆的调查研究 6

    (一)夏阳街道社区图书馆概况 6

    (二)被调查居民的基本情况 7

    1.被调查居民的性别 7

    2.被调查居民的年龄分布 7

    3.被调查居民的职业分布 7

    4.被调查居民的学历 8

    (三)社区图书馆利用现状 8

    1.图书馆使用频率 8

    2.去图书馆的目的 8

    (四)居民需求分析 9

    (五)夏阳社区图书馆在满足居民需求方面存在的不足 9

    (六)夏阳社区图书馆服务缺失的原因探析 10

    1.宣传乏力,缺乏主动宣传意识 10

    2.经费分配不合理,未用到实处 10

    3.开放时间不合理 10

    4.缺少政府的政策引导 10

    四、小结与讨论 11

    (一)小结 11

    (二)社区图书馆进一步满足居民需求的对策 11

    1.加大宣传力度,拓宽宣传渠道 11

    2.听民意,合理分配经费 11


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