

    Abstract:P2P platform is the combination of Internet and financial intermediation and the integration of fastness, convenience, wide influence range and the characteristics of high risk and high income of the Internet. A series of studies were carried out both at home and abroad. This article based on the operating conditions of the domestic P2P platform with the loan, risk management, users’ experience, marketing promotion such macroscopic aspects as factors to analysis and summarize. Then,using the selection of sample platform on the home of P2P to doing correlation analysis, which inferred that the interest rate have little effect on the volume of the platform. There is a reverse relationship between finish time and volume. The number of the borrow have a positive relationship with average time limit. The results of this research can be applied to marketing, such as improving the user experience or making full use of the persity of the various factors to promote platform volume increasing.

    毕业论文关键词:同质化; 竞争能力; 网贷;相关性分析

    Keyword: homogenization; competitiveness; P2P loan; correlation analysis

    目    录

    1.引言 4

    1.1研究背景和意义 4

    1.2研究内容 4

    1.3本文创新点 4

    2.文献综述 5

    2.1基于平台数据的国内外研究概述 5

    2.2基于P2P平台的风险管理研究 5

    2.3基于平台的用户体验研究 6

    2.4基于差异化竞争战略的研究 6

    2.5总结 6

    3.国内P2P网贷平台综合分析 7

    3.1国内P2P平台发展现状概述 7

    3.1.1 P2P网贷市场运营环境 7

    3.1.2国内平台基本运营模式 8

    3.2 影响P2P竞争力的宏观因素研究 8

    3.2.1风险管理因素 9

    3.2.2用户体验因素 9

    3.2.3行业市场因素 11

    3.2.4营销推广因素 11

    4. 国内P2P市场可量化指标研究 11

    4.1选取样本数据 11

    4.2数据分析与假设检验 12

    4.2.1研究假设 12

    4.2.2相关分析 12

    4.2.3假设检验结果 16

    4.3结论 16


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