

        关于P2P这个词汇其实最开始是出现于计算机行业,也就是peer to peer的缩写,意思是对等网络或者点对点网络。后来逐渐引入金融领域,十八届三中全会明确提出了“普惠金融”的概念,那么作为互联网金融代表的P2P网贷行业也便渐渐映入公众眼帘,这个貌似高大上的行业逐渐掀开了她的神秘面纱。随之而来的便是P2P金融模式的演化,从一开始孟加拉国尤努斯博士创办的穷人的银行——格莱珉银行,到英国的zopa,美国的prosper,再到国内的拍拍贷,人人贷,宜信。P2P金融以迅雷之势在全球范围内席卷开来,其模式也从最开始的基于电子商务的纯网上借贷,发展到线上、线下相结合。以线上为主,线下为辅的业态模式。47886

    2005年3月自P2P界的鼻祖Zopa(zone of possible agreement)全称:“可达成次协议的空间“在英国上线以来,其模式迅速在欧美国家传播开来,次年美国的Prosper上线,紧接着Lending Club、Kiva也相继登台。但这一舶来品同任何新生事物一样在最初并不太被国人所接受,这是因为受制于当下中国整体的金融政策环境因素,以及国内征信体系建设的历史原因。然而随着我国网民数量的逐年攀升,以及普通草根阶层渴望通过金融理财实现逆袭的迫切愿望。P2P借贷终于迎来了属于它的春天。然而,我们应该清晰认识对于P2P平台的标签实在太多,基于监管细则的不完善以及市场上各式各样的参与主体,P2P网贷正经历着大浪淘沙的过程,本文正是通过对国内外各大代表性平台进行基本介绍,比较分析,总结我国P2P发展所面临的问题,及如何采取创新举措打破多米诺骨效应。



    In 2012, the first year is called Internet Finance. This year, the financial service relying on the internet has digital features. An ordinary people very strange words, began to enter the public view, it is the P2P network lending.

    The word P2P is first appeared in the computer industry, also known as peer to peer acronym, meaning the peer to peer network or point to point network. Then gradually into the financial sector, the Third Plenary Session of eighteen clearly put forward the concept of Inclusive Finance. Then the P2P lending industry as the representative industry of internet finance, also gradually into the public view. This seemingly tall and big industry gradually opened her mysterious veil. The attendant is the evolution of P2P financial model, from the beginning of the Bangladesh Dr. Yunus founded the bank for the poor——the Grameen Bank, to Britain's Zopa, prosper of the United States, to the domestic pai pai loan, peer to peer loans, yixin. P2P financial to thunder trend in the global scope swept to open its mode from the electronic commerce based on pure online lending at first, to the development of online and offline combined. The main line, the line as the format pattern.

    In March 2005, since the born of zopa, which is the originator of P2P. The model quickly spread throughout Europe and the US, late year the Prosper of the USA on-line, followed the Lending Club, Kiva also has the stage. But this exotic like any new things in the beginning is not accepted by people, this is because the subject to the current financial policy environment of China's overall factors, as well as the construction of the domestic credit system. However, as the number of Internet users in China are increasing year by year and the ordinary grassroots urgent desire to achieve counter attack by financial. The P2P Lending finial gets its spring. However we should have clearly understand that the label to the P2P platform were too much. Based on regulations is not perfect and the market entity were in every kind of, P2P lending is experiencing a mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore of the process. This paper is based on the domestic and foreign representative platform give ordinary introduce and comparative analysis, summarized the problem of P2P in our country, and how to take initiatives to break the Domino effect.

  1. 上一篇:淘点点本地生活服务类o2o电子商务模式研究
  2. 下一篇:基于P2P网络借贷的中小企业融资问题与对策研究
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