

    Abstract:With the implementation of Web2.0 social trends, the cosmetics online shopping market has developed fast which attracting each big beauty makeup vertical electrical contractor to join. This essay is based on cosmetics' B2C e-commerce online shopping platform, reviewed related literature about the product operating strategy, customer needs, and online shopping services related literature. According to the content of the product operation, through the case of Jv Mei and Le Feng, combining platform's data, to analyze the cause of its relevant strategies from the content structure, user maintenance, favorable activity these three main dimensions, and the general strategies and special strategies even the influence of strategies to the platform. The results of the study found most beautiful makeup product operating strategy has certain positive significance to the development of platform. According to these research conclusions, to provide feasible suggestions for other cosmetics.

    毕业论文关键词:产品运营;化妆品网购; 策略研究;顾客需求

    Keyword: Product Operations;The cosmetics online shopping;Strategy;Customers’ requirements

    目    录

    1. 绪论 4

    1.1研究背景和意义 4

    1.2研究目的和内容 4

    1.3研究创新点 4

    1.4研究方法和研究路线 5

    1.4.1 研究方法 5

    1.4.2 研究路线 5

    2. 文献综述 5

    2.1 国外研究 5

    2.2 国内研究 6

    2.3 国内外研究存在的问题和发展趋势 7

    3. B2C化妆品购物平台产品运营策略分析 7

    3.1 B2C产品运营相关概念 7

    3.2 基于案例的B2C化妆品购物平台产品运营策略分析 8

    3.2.1 聚美优品 8

    3.2.2 乐峰网 10

    3.2.3 杭州XX网 11

    3.3 B2C化妆品购物平台产品运营的一般策略与特殊策略 13

    3.3.1一般策略 13

    3.3.2特殊策略 14

    4.基于后台数据的B2C化妆品购物平台产品运营有效策略研究(以杭州XX网为例) 15

    4.1 一般策略对平台运营效率和效益的影响 15

    4.2 特殊策略对平台运营效率和效益的影响 16

    5. B2C化妆品购物平台产品运营策略建议 18

    5.1内容构架 18

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