



    Abstract :Under the popularity of the Internet and the development of online banking and modern logistics industry in recent years, the e-commence shows the irreversible trend of development. However, the rapid development of the e-commence is also accompanied by both opportunities and threats. Among those threats, the lack of trust is one of the most important impediment to the trade online, which makes the exploration on how to improve the sustainable development of the Credit system problem largely beneficial to the future of the e-commence.

    This article analyzed the four part contents segmented from the e-commence Credit system which can be defined as the credit evaluation, management as well as reward and punishment system based on the protection of customer rights, I discussed the advantages and drawbacks of the Credit system of JD.com deeply.Finally, I put up some strategies and methods on the improvement of its Credit system according to the its present status and attempted to do something on the theory and application research of the construction of its Credit system.

    Keyword:e-commence;Credit system;credit evaluation;credit management;credit reward and punishment system;JD.com;trust


    1绪论 5

    1.1 研究背景和意义 5

    1.1.1研究背景 5

    1.1.2研究意义 5

    1.2研究内容 6

    1.3研究方法 6

    1.4本文创新点 6

    1.5技术路线 6

    2文献综述 7

    2.1社会信用体系相关研究综述 7

    2.2商务信用体系相关研究综述 8

    2.3电子商务信用体系研究综述 9

    2.3.1电子商务信用体系建设的意义 9

    2.3.2电子商务信用体系建设的弊端 9

    2.3.3电子商务信用体系建设的对策研究 9

    3信用体系的相关概念和理论 10

    3.1信用体系的相关概念 10

    3.1.1 信用体系 10

    3.1.2身份确认制度 10

    3.1.3信用担保制度 10

    3.1.4信誉评价制度 11

    3.1.5信用奖惩制度 11

    3.2信用体系的相关理论 11


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