    摘要后组织公民行为是指员工离职后出于自觉表现出的客观上对前任雇主有利的行为。 后组织公民行为的提出突破了传统的雇佣关系对雇员和雇主关系的约束,将双方的关系延续到雇佣关系结束之后,并提供证据证明雇员的人力资本价值即便在离职后仍将存在。这是一个在国内外都没有被提及的概念,这一新概念的提出将发展现有的组织行为和人力资源管理理论,并为人力资源管理实践提供新的思路。这个时代是属于知识经济与人本管理的,员工离职后对前用人单位的利他行为是后组织公民行为的重要表现形式。本文旨在研究在国内的文化背景下,研究员工离职后与前雇主之间的测量方法。在这篇文章里,以问卷调查作为主要方式,对员工离职后与前雇主,前用人单位之间的关系, 进行针对性的调查。 本文研究结果显示:①员工在后组织公民行为中总能为前雇主,前工作单位带来新的人才,带来良好的口碑;②在测量后组织公民行为的方式上,传统的测量方式并不起作用,需要经过大量的问卷调查,亲身走访,才能得出离职员工对前雇主的具体影响;③正确对待和引用后组织公民行为,使其为公司带来正面效益。本文以大量员工离职后对前雇主所造成的影响为分析基础,让企业可以以后组织公民行为带来的利益最大化为目标进行内容的测量。49164
    毕业论文关键词 人力资源管理、组织公民行为、后组织公民行为、描述性统计、相关性分析
    Title After the measurement of organizational citizenship behaviorAbstractPost organizational citizenship behavior is a behavior that affects the former employer,including a series of informal behaviors. At present, the competition among enterprisesbecomes more and more fierce, and the internal and external environment are also changing,and the post organizational citizenship behavior gradually appears in the vision of the managersand is gradually paid attention to. This era is a knowledge economy and people orientedmanagement, job satisfaction has been the focus of attention of scholars and experts. Jobsatisfaction and employee turnover are important influencing factors of organizationalcitizenship behavior, and the relationship between them is also the focus of foreign experts inrelevant fields. In contrast, the domestic research on the relationship between the two scholarsare few, the results of the study is the bag shy". This paper aims to study the relationshipbetween the former employer and the former employer in the context of the domestic culture.In this paper, firstly, the theory of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavioris reviewed, and the overall framework of this article and the way to choose the appropriatemethod are constructed. Then the questionnaire is used as the main method, and the relationshipbetween job satisfaction and post organizational citizenship behavior is investigated. In thispaper, the research results show that: (1) organizational citizenship behavior, and jobsatisfaction is significantly positively related to; secondly, employee job satisfaction high inorganizational citizenship behavior always for the former employer, the former work unit tobring new talent and bring a good reputation; (3) after the measurement of organizationalcitizenship behavior, the traditional way to measure does not play a role and need through alarge number of questionnaires, personally visited, in order to obtain the former employees ofthe former employer specific effects; fourthly, how to correctly treat and quoted inorganizational citizenship behavior to bring positive benefits for the company; organizationalcitizenship behavior can be reflected in a certain extent after the organizational citizenshipbehavior. T n China, the research in this area is basically a barren area, the research of this paper canimprove this phenomenon. Based on the existing research results in foreign countries, the thesisdiscusses the mutual influence of the two aspects from the different levels of job satisfactionand post organizational citizenship behavior. Whether it is the development of inpiduals, orthe development of enterprises are of practical significance.[Key words]: job satisfaction, post organizational citizenship behavior, descriptive statistics,correlation analysis
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