


    N Company Training Mode Case Study of the Impact of Training Effect

      Abstract:In this paper,N company 2015 annual new recruits in the fourth quarter as the research object,Discuss the influences of different training methods on the training effect. Change the original fully focus on broad knowledge,skills,abilities,and other characteristics(KSAO)of the traditional way of training ,Based on the KSAO different training methods,Through the experimental study to determine the appropriate training methods,Trained and improve employee satisfaction.Traditional training methods while training course in high frenquency,Professional,highly targeted,Training in the atmosphere is good,late absenteeism rate is low,employees high active to participate in training the enthusiasm.But there is a lack of training needs analysis,training methods are too traditional,problems such as lack of effective training effect evaluation.The modern training methods on the basis of sufficient training needs analysis complete training plan,End of the training in the most modern training methods ,training for effective training effect evaluation,greatly improving the trained employee satisfaction.

      Keywords:Training Methods;Training Effect;KSAO;A Case Study 

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、培训相关理论概述 2

    (一)KSAO模型 2

    (二)培训相关理论 2

    (三)有效培训四步骤 3

    二、N公司现有培训体系概述 4

    (一)N公司简介 4

    (二)N公司现有培训体系的满意度调查 5

    (三)N公司现有培训体系的优点 6

    (四)N公司现有培训体系存在的问题 6

    三、N公司基于KSAO培训体系的构建 7

    (一)N公司基于KSAO的培训内容、程序和方法 7

    (二)N公司基于KSAO不同培训方式的实验设计 8

    四、N公司基于KSAO的培训体系的效果评估与启示 9

    (一)N公司基于KSAO的培训体系的效果评估 9

    (二)启示 11

    参考文献 13

    附录 14

    致谢 15


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