
    摘要近年来,随着科学技术的不断发展和综合国力的不断提高,我国的建筑业也呈现出蓬勃发展的态势,现已成为社会支柱性产业。无数高层建筑拔地而起,建设规模也越来越大。工程管理作为建筑业的一个分支,也有着非常强大的发展趋势与就业前景。归结这四年的学习,对于工程管理,可大体概括为“三控制两管理一协调”。而这其中,质量控制无疑占据一个十分重要的核心地位,它贯穿于一个工程项目建设的始终。质量控制关系着一个工程项目是否符合国家的标准规范,关系着项目建成后能否发挥最初设计的使用功能,甚至还关系着消费者的生命财产安全。它是人们生产和生活的保障,是建筑企业生存和发展的保障,是效益的基础。选择对建筑工程项目质量管理与控制为课题进行研究,具有十分重要的现实意义。我国对建筑工程的质量也提出了越来越高的要求,建筑工程质量的问题,需要各参建单位的高度重视。本论文将从多个方面阐述与建设工程质量控制的关系,包括其基本特征、影响质量控制的“4M1E” 因素及控制措施,结合一些典型的事故处理方案等谈谈对建设工程质量控制的认识和见解。50627


    Abstract  In recent years, the development of science and technology continue to improve, so is the comprehensive national strength. The construction industry is also showing a booming trend, which has become a pillar industry of our society. Numerous high-rise buildings growing up, the scale of construction is also growing. Project management as a branch of the construction industry, also has a very powerful development trends and employment prospects. Boils down to four years of study, project management, can be roughly summarized as "three control , two management and one coordination ". And this one, the quality control is undoubtedly occupy a very important central position, it always runs through the construction of a project. Quality control is related to a project whether it can match the national standards, related to the project's completive ability whether it can play the originally designed function, even related to the life and property safety of consumers. It is the protection of people's production and everyday life. Also, it is the protection of building enterprise survival and development. In addition, it is the basis of company's benefits. Research studies on quality management and control of construction projects has a very important practical significance. The quality of construction projects in China also raised higher and higher requirements. The problem of construction quality needs a high degree of attention of the participating units. This thesis will describe the relationship from the multiple aspects for the construction quality control, including its basic characteristics, " 4M1E "factors which affect the quality control and control measures. Combined with some typical incident handling program to talk about my knowledge and insights for Construction Quality Control.

    Keywords: quality control;influencing factors;control measures;accident analysis and processing

    目  录

    第一章 绪论1

      1.1 建筑工程质量控制的概念-1

      1.2 研究质量控制的背景与意义-1

    1.2.1 研究的背景-1

    1.2.2 研究的意义-2

      1.3 国内外质量控制现状-3

    1.3.1 国外建筑工程质量控制现状-3

    1.3.2 我国建筑工程质量控制现状-4

      1.4 我国建筑工程质量控制中存在的问题-5

      1.5 本文的研究内容及方法-8 

    第二章 影响建筑工程质量的因素-9

      2.1 人的因素-9

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