





    Abstract The items of this graduation design are Meilanchun sesame flavor liquor. In 1982, Mei Lanchun winery pioneered the sesame flavor liquor. If MeiLanchun hope to keep pace with the trend of the Su wine Renaissance, it will need to cater to the liquor market demand for the type of elegant flavor liquor. It needs to strengthen new product R & D, and to change the brand positioning. Meilanchun commitment to providing consumers with high-quality sesame flavor liquor in order to create the first brand of Chinese sesame flavor liquor.

    The graduation design do research on Meilanchun liquor at current stage to understand the situation in general,and then have in-depth understanding of Jiangsu liquor market and the situation of competitors and consumer buying habits to have a comprehensive assessment of Meilanchun liquor including analysis of advantages and disadvantages of MeiLanchun, chances and potential threats. Finally, we carry on brand marketing promotion according to the new brand positioning of Meilanchun .

    With the new brand positioning, we will upgrade the packaging design of MeiLanchun and  unified brand culture to cater to the new positioning. For the choice of public relations activities, we take combined ways which must be the most appropriate means to put all the activities in series.It will play a great help in the spread of the brand. The choice of media should fully consider the habits of the audience. And the combination of the media also needs to be appropriate to achieve the best effect of communication.

    This brand communication greatly increases the visibility of MeiLanchun in Jiangsu area, and therefore increases sales of Meilanchun liquor.

    Keywords: Meilanchun; sesame flavor liquor; brand communication

    摘要 4

    前言 8

    第一部分项目简介与毕业设计分析 9

    一、选题缘由 9

    (一)选题背景 9

    (二)选题理由 10

    二、项目客户简介 10

    (一)公司简介、企业状况 10

    (二)品牌状况 10


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