



    ABSTRACT     Real estate is a capital-intensive industry, the project development cycle is long, risk is big, is regulated by the macro economy, policy, laws and regulations and a series of factors. Once the project investment judgment, make enterprises face great risks to challenge, not only to society may also cause a huge waste of money and energy, so the decision-making before a feasibility study of real estate projects has full of necessity. Feasibility study from the society, environment, economy, technology, etc to analysis the feasibility of projects, so as to improve the decision accuracy, reduce business risk.

        Data according to junwangfu project, the writer prospects the taixing paper first analysis the real estate market development present situation and future trends, and details the junwangfu project of regional economy and the real estate market, combined with the project itself and the location point of product. In order to ensure the project can be sexually, focus on the project of regional economic analysis, market orientation, investment estimates, financial analysis and evaluation, and risk assessment. Summed up the project for the positioning in the high-end products, the project total construction area of 52601 ㎡, develop in phase 2, the project total investment is 442 million yuan, by measuring the project net present value of 43.32 million yuan, the project internal rate of return of 21%, but the project there are risks in the capital, must to do a good job of sales.

    Keywords: Real estate development, Feasibility study, The Financial Evaluation , Risk analysis

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1论文研究背景 1

    1.2论文研究的目的和意义 1

    1.3论文研究的内容和思路 1

    第二章 房地产可行性研究理论 3

    2.1房地产可行性研究概念 3

    2.2房地产可行性研究的意义 3

    2.3 房地产可行性研究的步骤 4

    2.4 房地产可行性研究的内容 5

    第三章 投资项目开发经营环境分析 7

    3.1项目概况介绍 7

    3.1.1项目开发单位简介 7

    3.1.2项目背景介绍 7


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