


    Research Civic Virtue in Urban Space Based on the Perspective of Public Administration 

    Abstract  As the spacial carrier of human social activities and human morality, the optimization and management of living space become more and more important. The production of urban space in the modernization process not only promotes the development of economy but also changes the social spiritual outlook, people’s ideological and ethical standards. Along with the new urbanization strategy proposed and implemented, many scholars pay more and more attention to civic virtue in urban space of our country. The correlation of production of urban space and civic virtue become the research priorities of this article. This article is from the perspective of public administration to research the civic virtue in urban space.The purpose of this essay is to seek some relevant countermeasures to solve civic virtue in urban space. Then “Better city, better life” will become reality and perfection.

    Keywords: urban space;civic virtue;public administration


    1 前言 .1

    1.1问题的提出及研究背景 1

    1.2国内外研究综述 1

    1.3研究方法 3

    1.4研究意义 4

    2 城市空间与公民道德概况 .5

    2.1城市空间相关概念 5

    2.2公民道德相关概念 6

    2.3城市空间与公民道德关系 .7

    3 城市空间中的公民道德现状分析 7

    3.1基于公民道德的角度 8

    3.2基于城市空间的角度 9

    4 城市空间引发公民道德缺乏的原因分析 11

    4.1城市空间引发社会结构变型 11

    4.2城市空间结构与公民生活缺乏融洽关系 11

    4.3城市空间异化导致公民道德缺失 12

    5 以城市空间优化促进公民道德提升 12

    5.1综合运用法律、行政手段优化公民道德的城市空间环境 13

    5.2充分发挥市场经济为提升公民道德水平的核心运作渠道 17

    5.3积极鼓励公民参与城市空间建设,推动公民道德的主体性意识 17

    5.4优化城市空间,提升公民道德素养 18

    6 结论.19

    7 致谢.20

    8 参考文献..21

    城市空间中的公民道德研究          ——基于公共事业管理的视角

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