


    Abstract: From the eighties of last century, more and more supermarket chains already have their own brand, its own brand has infiltrated many commodity categories in the daily consumer goods. Supermarket own-brand product development is becoming a chain supermarket profit improvement of a new growth point. This article first explains the concept of own brand, to show a clear sense of the strategic development of the supermarket own brands have, and then analyze the current level of awareness, brand image, product category, perceived risk and purchase intention of Liyang Wal-Mart's own brand. On the basis of the development status and causes, made a number of own-brand products to enhance the market competitiveness of the feasibility of the policy, concluded that development opportunities and key points of its own brand products in the current market situation.

    Keywords: own brand, supermarket chains, competitive strength, Liyang Wal-Mart Store

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    2  溧阳沃尔玛自有品牌发展现状 3

    3  数据收集 3

    4  问卷数据分析 4

    4.1  调查顾客的基本信息 4

    4.2  自有品牌商品认知程度分析 4

    4.3  自有品牌商品品牌形象分析 5

    4.4  自有品牌商品产品品类分析 6

    4.5  自有品牌商品感知风险分析 7

    4.6  自有品牌商品购买意愿分析 7

    5 溧阳沃尔玛自有品牌商品存在的问题 8

    5.1  营销推广力度不够 8

    5.2  品牌形象有待提高 8

    5.3  包装吸引力低 8

    5.4  自有品牌商品缺乏特色优势 8

    5.5  商品质量有待提高 8

    6  提升溧阳沃尔玛自有品牌商品竞争力的对策 9

    6.1  加大营销推广力度 9

    6.2  树立扎实的品牌理念,提高品牌形象 9

    6.3  提高包装吸引力 9

    6.4  合理选择自有品牌商品的种类,突出特色优势 9

    6.5  推行全面质量管理,加强质量监控 10

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13


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