
    摘  要:就业竞争力是大学生成功就业的核心影响因素.近年来,随着高校扩招,大学生就业人数逐年增多,大学生如何在毕业后顺利就业成为全社会普遍关注的问题.本文结合大学生就业竞争力的内涵与特征,以淮阴师范学院毕业生为例,展开规模化的问卷调查,采用因子分析法构建了大学生就业竞争力评价指数,得出毕业生就业竞争力的计算公式.在对毕业生就业竞争力现状统计分析的基础上,提出了提升大学生就业竞争力的一些对策:提升自身内外品质修养;促进学生身心健康的发展;加强学生实践技能的培训;加强学生专业素质和特长技能的培养;增强学生的科研创新能力;增强学生外语和计算机软件应用能力;引导学生制定明确的职业规划.53948


    Abstract:Employment Competitiveness has a great impact on the effect of graduates’ employment. Recently, as the enlarging enrollment of university, the number of graduate students are increasing year by year, it becomes the common concern of the society that how did the graduate students take up an occupation successfully. The author combines the connotation and characteristics of graduates’ employment Competitiveness, taking the graduate students of Huaiyin Normal University for example to expanse the scale of questionnaire investigation ,and then constructs Employment Competitiveness of graduate students Assessment Index using Factor Analysis and gets the evaluate system of how to compare the different people’s employment competition. Based on statistical analysis of employment Competitiveness of graduate students, the author provides some commendations for improving employment Competitiveness of graduate students : promote internal and external quality of oneself, promote physical and mental health of graduate students, enhance practical skills training of graduate students ,enhance professional qualities and special skills of graduate students, enhance scientific research and application of innovation Capacity of graduate students, enhance English and computer software application ability of graduate students, guide the students to develop a clear occupation planning.

    Keywords: Employment Competitiveness, Evaluation Index System , Factor Analysis

    目  录

    1  前言 4

    2  大学生就业竞争力研究综述 4

    2.1  就业竞争力内涵研究 4

    2.2  国内外对于大学生就业竞争力评价指标体系的研究综述 4

    3  大学生就业竞争力实证分析 5

    3.1  调查问卷 5

    3.3  评价方法----因子分析法 7

    3.4  分析过程 8

    3.5  样本数据检测 12

    结论 13

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16

    附录 17

    1  前言

    自1999年政府实施大学扩招政策以来,我国的高等教育规模迅速扩张,大学毕业生人数逐年增长,2012年高校毕业生人数高达680万,是1998年高校毕业生人数的8倍多.2013年全国普通高校毕业生699万人,比上年增加19万人,创历史新高,就业压力增大.2014年有毕业生727万人,加上13年尚未就业的大学生 ,今年2014年大学生就业形势仍难好转.


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