    摘要:08 金融危机过后直到今天,全球经济发展速度减缓,我国经济也由之前的高增速时代迈入稳健型增长的阶段,造成房产市场需求下降,房地产企业的竞争日趋白热化。随着当今房地产经济的不断变化,市场动向不定,面对这些不利趋势,房地产公司必须在经营管理方面进行升级,保持企业的竞争优势以及核心竞争力,势必需要更加关注房地产的营销管理。房地产的销售业绩好坏取决于很多因素,但最关键的因素还是企业制定的市场营销策划中的定价是否符合市场预期以及营销策略的合理制定, 一个科学理性的市场定价可以快速的帮助企业回笼流动资金,然而一个不合理的定价也同样可以让一个“好项目”变成坏项目,甚至烂尾。在我国,大型房地产企业的营销模式主要侧重于房地产市场信息的分析和把握,深入了解消费者需求,并根据国家政策、市场讯息及时调整企业的营销策略,根据 CREIS 中指数据显示,我国房地产市场已经呈现出产业集中化的迹象,在已经登记注册的五万余家房地产企业中,2015 年内,有 104 家大型房地产公司销售额超过百亿大关,销售总额 3.5万亿,所占市场份额超过40%。这就意着其他 99.8%的中小房地产企业只能抢占整个房地产市场不到60%的份额。由于房地产行业的特殊性(不同商业地段的区位唯一性),中小房地产企业并不能单纯的模仿或参照大企业的营销策略。本文将通过对国内某四线城市的中小型房地产开发商的项目进行分析对比, 希望能借鉴出中小型企业在定价及营销过程如何合理的利用可得资源, 在营销及定价上能够打破大型地产商的天然垄断,可以制定出一个科学合理的营销策略及定价模式。56983
    毕业论文关键词 房地产;营销;定价
    Pricing strategy and analysis of small and medium sized Real Estate Company
    Abstract:In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis until today, the global economy sloweddown, economy of our country is from the previous high growth era entered the steady growthstage, resulting in decline in the real estate market demand, real estate enterprises competition isincreasingly intense. With the rapid changes in the current real estate economy, market trends,in the face of these negative trends, real estate companies must be upgraded in the operationand management, keep the competitive advantage of enterprises and the core competitiveness,will need to pay more attention to the real estate marketing management. Real estate salesperformance depends on many factors, but make the key factor is the enterprise marketingplanning in pricing meets market expectations and marketing strategy reasonable formulation, ascientific and rational market pricing can quickly help enterprise withdrawal liquidity. However,a reasonable pricing also can make a "good project" become a bad project, or even failure.In China, large enterprises in the real estate marketing mode focus mainly on to theanalysis and grasp of the real estate market information, in-depth understanding of consumerdemand, and adjust the marketing strategy of the enterprise according to the national policy,market information, according to the CREIS middle data display, China's real estate market hasshown a sign industry concentration, in has registered more than 50000 real estate enterprises,in 2015, 104 large-scale real estate company sales of more than 10 billion mark, total sales of$3.5 trillion, accounting for more than 40% market share. This means that the other 99.8% ofthe small and medium-sized real estate enterprises can only seize the entire real estate marketless than 60% of the share. Because of the special nature of the real estate industry (the locationof different commercial lots), small and medium-sized real estate enterprises can not simplyimitate or refer to the marketing strategy of large enterprises.The project of a four line city of the domestic small and medium-sized real estatedevelopers are analyzed, hoping to draw small and medium enterprises in pricing and marketingprocess how to reasonable use resources, in the marketing and pricing can break large realestate natural monopoly, can formulate a scientific and reasonable marketing strategy andpricing model.
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