摘 要:随着经济全球化的发展,我国将会更多地参与到全球化的进程中,企业面临的经营环境发生了巨大的变化,此时我国的企业不仅要面对国内企业的竞争,更要面对来自跨国企业的压力这一系列的巨大变化使得企业内外部环境更加复杂与不确定,这种复杂和不确定给企业的经营管理带来了很大的风险,因此风险的防范与控制也逐渐成为企业普遍关注的问题,而企业经营管理的重点是营销,因而企业营销风险的防范与控制关系到我国企业能否在激烈的竞争中生存下去,这使得对企业营销风险的研究迫在眉睫,基于此本文以企业营销风险的防范与控制为研究内容。论文共分优尔个部分:第一章阐述了营销风险的含义、特征、分类,第二章阐述了营销风险产生的原因,第三章阐述了企业营销风险预警体系,第四章重点讲了如何控制营销风险,第五章是结论,第优尔部分是结语。
关键词:营销风险 ;预警 ;控制8133
Prevention and Control of Marketing Risks
Abstract: With the development of economic globalization , our country will be more involved in the process of globalization , enterprises are facing tremendous changes occurred in the operating environment , then our businesses to face competition in domestic enterprises , but also to face pressure from multinationals makes this series great changes within the enterprise is more complex and uncertain external environment , this complex and uncertain to enterprise management is a big risk , so prevention and control of risks is gradually become an issue of common concern to the enterprise , and enterprise management is focused on marketing, and therefore the relationship between prevention and control of enterprise marketing risk to our business can survive in the fierce competition, which makes the study of enterprise marketing risk is imminent, based on this in this paper, in order to prevent and control the risk of corporate marketing research . Paper is pided into six parts: The first chapter describes the meaning of the marketing risk , the second chapter describes the reason for the marketing risk arising from the third chapter describes the enterprise marketing risk warning system , the focus of the fourth chapter talked about how to control the marketing risk , the fifth chapter is the conclusion , part sixth is the conclusion .
Key Words: Marketing risks ; Warning ; Control
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、 营销风险的概述 2
(一)营销风险的含义 2
(二)营销风险的特征 2
(三)营销风险的分类 3
二、企业营销风险的成因及表现 3
(一) 营销风险产生的主观原因 4
(二)销风险产生的客观原因 3
(三)营销风险预防与控制的重要意义 3
三、企业营销风险预警 6
(一)企业营销预警风险的内容 6
(二)企业营销风险预警体系的基本功能 6
(三)营销风险预警系统的基本方法流程 7
(四)企业营销风险防范预警的方法 8
四、企业营销风险防范与控制策略 8
(一)营销风险回避 9
(二)营销风险转移 10
(三)营销风险自留 10
(四)营销风险控制 10
(五)财务手段在风险防范与控制中的应用 10
参考文献 13
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