摘 要:预调酒作为一种引领时尚潮流的另类酒,正经历着快速成长阶段,预调酒成为了消费酒品的时尚新选择,甚至在全球范围内掀起了一股预调酒消费的热潮,成为酒水行业必争的利润增长点。本文对预调酒行业发展现状分析的基础上,运用理论和实证相结合与个案研究相结合的方法,分析中国预调酒行业发展风险和未来行业发展趋势。以国际预调酒的发展现状与中国预调酒发展现状相对比,首先对中国预调酒发展环境与行业竞争力进行分析,其次分析中国预调酒的市场需求状况和行业发展渠道,并以锐澳品牌预调酒为例分析,最后提出中国预调酒行业风险规避和创新发展的对策建议。68119
Abstract: Premade cocktail is experiencing rapid growth stage. Premade cocktail has become a new fashion choice of wine. And it started a premade cocktail consumption boom. It brought high profit for the companies. This paper analyzed the current situation on the premade cocktail industry and future industry trends and risks based on methods of combination of theoretical and empirical and case studies. According to the comparison of development status of Chinese premade cocktail and foreign premade cocktail, this paper analyzed the development environment and industry competitiveness of Chinese premade cocktail industry, deeply analyzed the market demand and industry channels. Finally, this paper puts forward suggestions of Chinese premade cocktail industry and innovation in the development of risk aversion.
Keywords:Premade cocktail, the competitiveness of the industry, market sales and packing
目 录
1 引言 4
2 文献综述 4
3 全球预调酒行业发展概况 5
3.1 我国预调酒发展环境及发展现状 6
4 以锐澳(Rio)品牌预调酒为例分析 8
4.1 企业简介 8
4.2 锐澳(Rio)品牌竞争力 9
4.3 Rio预调酒市场表现 10
4.4 Rio产品销售及包装保存 11
5 预调酒行业发展中存在的问题 12
5.1 竞争风险 12
5.2 市场风险 12
5.3 包装问题 12
6 预调酒行业发展问题的对策 12
6.1 提升企业竞争力 12
6.2 扩大企业销售渠道和资金优势 12
6.3 产品包装和保存的意见 13
结 论 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 16
1 引言