    关键词: 色彩营销策略;消费者行为;品牌形象;顾客心理
    The impact of product industrial design on marketing
    —— Color Marketing
    Abstract:Product industrial design is now being more and more attention in the world, and it has influence on product design, marketing mix,even establishing a corporate image and shaping the brand personality. In the industrial design process, color plays an important role and is an important factor to affect the customer psychology, consumer behavior and brand image. For example, there is a theory called "seven seconds law" in the marketing , referring to a decision about that a peron would be interested in this item within 7 seconds.Of course, color plays an important role within 7 seconds. So at the basis of the research about how the color influences the consumer behavior , this paper does an analysis of the character of color on consumer preference degree of influence , probes the impact and effect of color marketing, and study the color marketing strategy from the perspective of the 4Ps, pointing out that how to make the maximum benefit for the enterprise through using color effectively.
    KeyWords: the color marketing strategy;consumer behavior;brand image;customer psychology
     目  录
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究意义    1
    (二) 研究目的和方法    1
    (三) 文献综述    2
    二、色彩营销    3
    (一) 色彩的概念    3
    (二) 色彩营销的概念    3
    (三) 色彩与营销的关系    3
    (四) 色彩营销的作用    6
    (五) 色彩营销的运用    7
    三、色彩营销策略    8
    (一) 色彩营销策略的内容    8
    (二) 色彩营销的具体步骤    9
    四、色彩营销策略的运用    11
    (一) 产品运用    11
    (二) 促销运用    11
    (三) 渠道运用    12
    (四) 色彩营销策略需要注意的问题    13
    五、案例分析    14
    优尔、结论    16
    参考文献    17
    致谢    18
    附录    19
    (一) 研究意义
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