摘要该研究通过调查盲道设置与利用现状,发现并分析盲道存在的问题,提出合理解决 方案。该调查的对象为盲道和盲人,其中盲道调查设置盲道覆盖率、盲道规范度、盲道 占用率三个评价指标;盲人调查包括 OD 调查表,盲道满意度、盲道建设支持率、最需要 改进方面等。调查得出盲道问题主要为人行道空间划分不明确,非机动车停车空间不足 导致步行空间占用;铺设盲砖施工难度大;信息传递缺乏智能手段等。论文从规划、施 工、智能化建设三个方面提出解决方案:1、区分人行道设施空间与步行空间;2、设置 充足非机动车停车位;3、在施工难度较大区域采用盲道贴片铺设盲道 4、利用 RFID 和互 联网技术提供导盲信息。75527
毕业论文关键词 盲道、盲人、盲道设置与利用调查、盲人出行调查、步行空间划分、智能 导盲
Title The Investigation of the Construction And Utilization of the Blind Sidewalk in Cities in A Case of Nanjing
Abstract The research focuses on the exploration and analysis of the blind sidewalk’s issue by investigation of the construction and utilization of the blind sidewalk。 The target of the investigation consists of the blind people and the blind sidewalk, which contains three indicators——fraction of coverage, standard-ability and occupancy rate——in the investigation of the blind sidewalk。 In terms of the investigation of the blind people, it contains OD traffic investigation table, the degree of satisfaction, approval rating and potential improvement approach of the blind sidewalk。
The factors that affect the utilization of the blind sidewalk are, three mainly parts, the ambiguous separation of walking area, walking area occupancy due to the lack of bikes’ parking place, the difficulties in paving results from the differences in bricks’ geometry。
The thesis offers solutions in three aspects,——traffic planning, paving, and intelligential
infrastructure construction: firstly, separating walking area with footway clear zone and furniture zone; secondly offering enough parking area for bikes; thirdly, taking place bricks with sheets for constructing blaster paving if difficult; fourthly, providing present geographical information to the blinds by RFID and the Internet technology。
Keywords : the blind people, the blind sidewalk, investigation, utilization, construction, walking area, travel-aided
1 绪论 1
1。1 城市盲道现状调查研究的背景与意义 1
1。1。1 研究背景 1
1。1。2 研究意义 1
1。2。1 国外城市盲道研究现状 2
1。2。2 国内城市盲道研究现状 2
1。3 助盲设备国内外研究现状 4
1。3。1 国内助盲设备研究现状 4
1。3。2 国外助盲设备研究现状 4
1。4 研究内容与思路