毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
TitleM-tech industrial park business model innovation
Abstract In today's era of highly innovative, high-tech industrial park construction and development of great significance to China's economic transformation and upgrading。 Operational Mode industrial park is the solution to how innovative the way they operate, to ensure its continuing source of profit, the industrial park in order to achieve sustainable survival and development fundamentally。 Modern industrial park business model from the traditional rental model, sales model, in turn provide a wide range of specialized integrated services for the transformation of productive enterprise within the park; from simple to enterprise managers from the park and industrial service role transformation。 Domestic and international high-tech industrial park of success stories and business model have a lot we can learn from。 The future, the competition between high-tech industrial park will also be more and more intense。
KeywordsHigh tech Industrial park Operating modelInnovation
1 引言 3
1。1选题背景及意义 3
1。1。1选题背景 3
1。1。2选题意义 3
1。3本论文的研究内容 4
2相关理论和方法 6
2。1高科技产业园区起源 6
2。2高科技产业园区管理体制 6
2。3高科技产业园区运营模式 6
3 国内外园区模式的比较分析 8
3。1国内园区模式 8
3。1。1西安高新区 8
3。1。2北京经济技术开发区 8
3。1。3大连软件园 8
3。1。4廊坊固安园区 8
3。2国外园区模式 9
3。2。1日本筑波科学城 9
3。2。2美国硅谷 9
3。2。3新加坡自由贸易园区 9
3。3国内外园区的比较分析 9
3。3。1国内外园区相同点 9
3。3。2国内外园区不同点 11
4 M高科技产业园区 12
4。1 M高科技产业园区简介 12
4。2 M高科技产业园区优势 13