    摘要大气污染越来越受到世界各国所重视,氮氧化物是大气主要污染源之一,严重危害了人类的身体健康。目前,所有燃烧后控制氮氧化物排放技术中,使用最广的是选择性催化还原(Selective Catalytic Reduction)技术。而富氧条件下的氮氧化物选择性催化还原(SCR)是目前环境催化领域的研究热点,其研究重点在于研发环境友好、高效稳定的SCR催化剂。本文主要研究铈基氧化物SCR催化剂,从催化剂结构,SCR反应机理、催化剂活性及表征等方面进行了论述和探讨。实验表明,催化剂中Ce/Zr/Ti摩尔比为:0.2/0.2/1时,其低温催化活性最高。在此基础上负载钒之后,除了具有优异的低温催化活性外,高温活性也进一步提高,同时展望了新型铈基氧化物SCR催化剂的发展前景。19105
    关键词 柴油车尾气净化  氮氧化物  选择性催化还原  铈基氧化物   
    Title  On the Improvement of the New Cerium Oxide-based  Catalysts for NH3-SCR
    Atmospheric pollution receives increasing attention from countries around the globe. As a main contributor to atmospheric pollution, nitrogen oxides (NOx) pose tremendous threat to public health. At present, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is the most widely adopted of all the technologies designed to control post-combustion NOx emissions. In particular, SCR of NOx under oxygen-rich conditions constitutes the research focus in the field of environmental catalysis with an emphasis on the development of environmental-friendly, highly efficient and stable SCR catalysts. This research will discuss the cerium oxide-based SCR catalysts from the perspectives of catalyst structure, SCR reaction mechanism, catalyst activity, etc. The experiment shows that , the best Ce/Zr/Ti mole ratio is 0.2:0.2:1,the catalytic activity under low temperature of the catalyst is the highest.And when vanadium is added, the catalyst shows not only high catalytic activity under low temperature,but also higher activity under high temperature. Finally, the research discusses the prospect of the new cerium oxide-based SCR catalysts.
    Keywords   purification of diesel exhaust , NOx, SCR, cerium oxide-based catalysts
    目   录
    1 引言    2
    1.1 NH3-SCR技术简介    2
    1.2 非钒基NH3-SCR催化剂    3
    1.2.1分子筛催化剂    3
    1.2.2氧化物催化剂    3
    1.3 铈基氧化物NH3-SCR催化剂简介    4
    1.4 铈基氧化物NH3-SCR催化剂研究现状    5
    1.5 研究课题的提出和内容    6
    1.5.1研究课题的提出    6
    1.5.2研究内容    6
    2 实验材料与方法    8
    2.1 实验材料    8
    2.1.1 实验药品    8
    2.1.2 实验仪器    8
    2.2 实验方法    9
    2.2.1催化剂制备    9
    2.2.2 SCR反应催化系统    9 配气系统    10 反应系统    10
    2.2.3 催化剂活性评价    11
    2.2.4 催化剂表征    11
    3 结果与讨论    12
    3.1 铈锆钛氧化物催化剂活性的初步研究    12
    3.1.1 不同铈锆摩尔比对催化剂活性的影响    12
    3.1.2 钒的负载对催化剂活性的影响    14
    3.1.3 反应空速对催化剂活性的影响    17
    3.2 铈锆钛氧化物催化剂的表征    18
    结  论    21
    致  谢    22
    参 考 文 献    23
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