    毕业论文关键词: 溶胶-凝胶法;TiO2/C气凝胶;光催化
    Due to the chemical stability of TiO2, toxicity, low cost, environmental protection, use of sunlight to react in order to save energy, etc., so that the TiO2 is used to in the field of degrade organic dyeing in water.
    In this paper, titanium tetrachloride titanium source, with ethanol as a solvent, propylene oxide network inducing agent, acetyl ethyl acetate as a complexing agent, step by sol - gel method titanium oxide high temperature carbonization, after ground into TiO2/C material.
    Observed the crystal of TiO2/C hybrid aerogel material by XRD , obtained the instructure of TiO2 existed with sharp state mine in TiO2/C hybrid aerogel ; by scanning electron microscopy TiO2/C hybrid aerogels microstructure of the material,by the way figure out the size of the grain size. By photocatalysis experiments, degradate TiO2/C with ethyl acetoacetate and Ti molar ratio of 0.3 to 0.8 methyl orange / Methylene blue / rhodamine B , come photocatalytic of TiO2/C hybrid  aerogel with ethylacetoacetate and Ti molar ratio of 0.6 has the best performance; photocatalytic experiments of TiO2/C hybrid aerogel under carbonization of 600℃, 700℃, 800℃, 900℃, the photocatalytic effect of TiO2/C hybrid aerogel of carbonization temperature of 900 ℃ is the best.
    Keywords:  Sol - gel Method; TiO2/C aerogels ; Photocatalytic
    目   录
    文献综述    1
    1.1 气凝胶    1
    1.2 气凝胶的应用    2
    1.3 TiO2/C的发展和研究现状    3
    1.3.1 TiO2/C的发展    3
    1.3.2 TiO2/C气凝胶的制备方法    3
    1.4 TiO2/C杂化气凝胶的性能    5
    1.4.1 TiO2/C杂化气凝胶的光催化性能    5
    1.4.2 TiO2/C光催化降解机理    6
    1.4.3 光催化速率的影响因素    6
    1.4.4 TiO2光催化技术存在的问题    7
    1.5 选题背景及意义    7
    1.6 本论文的研究内容    8
    2  实验部分    9
    2.1 原料和试剂    9
    2.1.1 制备TiO2/C杂化气凝胶的原料    9
    2.1.2 光催化实验所用试剂    9
    2.2 仪器设备    10
    2.2.1 制备TiO2/C杂化气凝胶的仪器设备    10
    2.2.2 表征所用的仪器设备    10
    2.2.3 光催化降解实验所用的仪器设备    11
    2.3 TiO2/C杂化气凝胶的制备    11
    2.3.1 溶胶制备    12
    2.3.2 老化    12
    2.3.3 超临界干燥    12
    2.3.4 炭化    13
    2.3.5 TiO2/C杂化气凝胶的制备流程图    13
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