     Technology research of alkaline zinc plating
    Abstract:Protective and decorative plating technology get extremely widespread application at home and abroad ,the widely used protective coating on steel substrate is mainly zinc plating.Galvanized process is pided into three types,that is cyanide zinc plating, acidic galvanized and alkaline zinc plated.Due to the cyanide zinc plating is toxic , its use is limited in the market.Galvanizing is the most low cost of all the plating, and is characterized by good corrosion resistance, beautiful appearance and the advantages of resistance to storage, so it was widely used in the light industry, instrumentation, electrical, defense, building hardware and other industries.
    Alkaline zinc is one of the main zinc plating, and because its basic bath composition is simple, easy to govern, do not contain cyanide, and the concentration of metal ion is low, to prevent pollution and pollution.Coating appearance  look bright in detail, the color of passivation coating is uniform , excellent corrosion resistance, accord with the requirement of environmental protection cleaner production, thus gained widespread application.The core of the basic no cyanide zinc plating technology is the bright additive, in recent years, both at home and abroad to carry out a large amount of research.But the corrosion resistance of alkaline galvanized zinc coating is not good as  cyanide zinc plating .Project hope the evaluationin of alkaline zinc plating process , acquisition a zinc plating who has good covering power, dispersing ability and better protection .To this end, we find the typical alkaline zinc plating formula for different alkaline zinc plating coating and evaluat the coating quality , and optimize the alkaline zinc plating quality in order to replace cyanide zinc plating.
    Keywords:    Alkaline zinc plating; Brightening agent; Nihil album; Caustic soda; Hull cell
    1 绪论    1
    1.1电镀的简介    1
    1.1.1 电镀的结晶过程    2
    1.2电镀的发展及其现状    3
    1.3 电镀锌的原理及其应用    4
    1.3.1 锌的性质与用途    4
    1.3.2 电镀锌的过程    5
    1.3.3 电镀锌的应用    5
    1.4 工业镀锌的种类及其特点    5
    1.5 碱性镀锌工艺及其研究现状    7
    1.5.1 镀液成分和规范的影响    7
    1.6 本课题研究的内容及意义    11
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