
    Pair Work and Constructing New Knowledge of Language—a Case Study of Grade7 Middle School Students Abstract Pair work is widely adopted in second language teaching. So far a large number of researches have suggested that pair work has many advantages compared to inpidual work. However, many of the current researches in this field pay great attention to the final accuracy or scores of the given tasks, but a little attention to the process of pair work. Besides, the participations of the most current studies are not Chinese students. So this study is going to pay great attention to the process of pair work in a Chinese middle school class. It aims to find out whether Chinese middle school students can form new knowledge during the process of pair work and the possible reasons behind it. And it is also going to analyze the attitudes and personal feelings of Chinese middle school students toward pair work. Since errors are unself-corrigible failure in learners' competence, the study used an error correction pair work to test whether students can form new knowledge (correct their shared errors ) by working in pairs. Analysis of the pair talks, the results of error correction work and the questionnaire showed that pairs who produced more interactive LREs were mostly to correct more errors. Thus the results suggest that students' joint efforts while interacting and collaborating with each other give students opportunities to pool their understandings and linguistic resources together and thus result in their con-construction of knowledge about language. And the results of the questionnaire about using pair work in English learning suggest that the majority of Chinese middle students like pair work and consider it an effective way to learning English. But many of them need to improve their collaborative skills while doing pair work.  51901

       Keywords: pair work; middle school students; error correction; new knowledge, LRE


    摘要 两人合作学习被广泛运用于英语教学。就目前为止,已有很多研究调查对比了两人合作学习和个人学习。然而,这些研究调查大多仅仅关注了最后的结果数据,而忽视了对学生的学习过程的研究。并且,现有的关于两人合作学习的调查研究所关注的多是国外的大学生。关于两人合作学习在中国中小学英语学习当中的运用研究并不多。因此,本调查以中国中学生为对象,旨在探究中国中学生能否在两人合作学习过程当中获得原来没有的新知识,并探究背后的原因。同时,本研究还将调查中国中学生对于两人合作学习在英语教学当中运营的感受和态度。因为错误(error)是学生在知识能力上的漏洞,是学生不能自行改正的,因而本次调查研究采用两人合作的方式让学生讨论共同的错误,看学生能否通过合作讨论的方式来自行纠正错误。通过对学生合作讨论的对话以及纠错结果的分析,本次调查发现那些有很多互动、协作对话的两人小组往往能够纠正更多的错误。这个结果表明当学生们相互协作、互动并把个人的想法、语言知识放到一起共享的时候,学生可以共同构建他们的语言知识,从而产生新的语言知识。而问卷调查的结果显示,大多数中国中学生是喜欢用两人合作学习来学习英语的。他们认为这是一种有效的学习方式。然而,还有很多的中国中学生需要提升合作学习不可缺少的基础合作技能。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 The Theoretical Basis of Pair Work 1

    1.2 How to Pair Learners in Pair Work

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