    摘要 : 本文研究了 天然水晶梨香精调配的 技术, 采用固相微萃取方式 ( SPME ) 进行萃取 ,
    并结合气相色谱和质谱 ( GC/MS ) 分析检测来研究水晶生梨的挥发性香气成分 化合物。其
    主要香气成分化合物为己醛,己酸乙酯,丁酸乙酯,乙酸乙酯,乙酸己酯,乙醇, 苯甲
    醛 , 乙酸丁酯,和 ( E,Z )-2,4- 癸二烯酸乙酯等。 结合分析报告和对 水晶梨 特征香气和香韵
    组成 的分析, 有选择性地使用各种单体香原料 拟定配方,进行香精的配制,通过实验不
    断对配方进行优化,最终得到 梨 香气 饱满 、 圆润 的优化香精配方 。其结果如下:果香香
    韵 ( 7 5% ~ 8 5% ); 青香香韵 ( 3 %~ 3 .5% ) ; 甜香香韵 ( 5 %~ 7 % ) ; 酒香香韵
    ( 1%~1.5% ) ,且 香精中,同一香路的香韵所用的原料品种越多,香越丰满、越厚
    关键词 :水晶 梨;香气成分; 顶空固相微萃取; 气相色谱 - 质谱法
    Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis of of of of Aroma Aroma Aroma Aroma tic tic tic tic Components Components Components Components of of of of Pear Pear Pear Pear and and and and S S S S imulation imulation imulation imulation
    Study Study Study Study of of of of Flavor Flavor Flavor Flavor
    Abstract: Abstract: Abstract: Abstract: The technology of Shuijingli pear flavor was s imulat ed. Volatiles from Shuijingli
    f ragrant pears were studied using high-resolution gas chromatography and the solid-phase
    micro extraction (SPME) method of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The
    dominant components were hexanal, ethyl caproate , ethyl but yr ate, ethyl acetate, hexyl acetate,
    ethanol, benzyl aldehyde, butyl acetate, and ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate. After make a n
    analysis in ingredients of Shuijingli f ragrant pears , Nuances of the composition and deployment
    process by selective use of various monomers aromatic raw materials , continuously optimize
    the formula through the experiment s , and finally s imulat e an optimized formulation of
    harmonious and graceful pear f lavor were introduced . Its conclusions are as follows:fruity
    incense ( 7 5%~ 8 5 % ); green incense (3 %~ 3 .5 % ); sweety incense(5 %~ 7 % ); wine incense
    ( 1%~1.5% ), And the more raw materials in same type road,the more fullness and harmonious in
    flavor were proved.
    Key Key Key Key words: words: words: words: Shuijingli pear; volatile components; SPME; GC-MS目录
    1. 前言 . . . . 1
    1.1 梨的生产及目前研究现状  1
    1.2 梨的香气及风的研究进展  2
    1.2.1 国外关于梨香气及风的研究现状  2
    1.2.2 国内关于梨香气及风的研究现状  2
    1.3 影响梨果实香气及风成分的主要因素 . 3
    1.3.1 果实的内在因素  3
    1.3.2 产区的气候条件及栽培管理条件  3
    1.3.3 不同系统的梨的品种 . 3
    1.3.4 采收成熟度和后熟 . 3
    1.3.5 采后贮藏方式及条件 . 3
    1.4 水果及加工产品香气成分研究存在的问题及研究展望  4
    1.5 梨果实风物质提取方法的研究  5
    1.5.1 蒸馏提取法  5
    1.5.2 溶剂萃取法  7
    1.5.3 吹扫捕集法  8
    1.5.4 固相微萃取法  8
    2. 梨香气成分分析方法和香精调配技术 . . . . 10
    2.1 研究内容及方法 . 10
    2.1.1 水晶梨中香气成分及含量的测定和分析  10
    2.1.2 梨香精的调配  10
    2.2 实验技术路线 . 11
    2.3 实验过程  12
    2.3.1 实验材料  12
    2.3.2 实验内容  12
    3. 结果与讨论 . . . . 14
    3.1 香原料的确定 . 14
    3.1.1 GC-MS 分析结果 . 14
    3.1.2 梨香气分路  16
    3.2 初步配方的确定 . 16
    3.2.1 香原料的组合  17
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