





Design Notes

   When peace and development become the common theme of the world, the social focus will inevitably fall on the issue of "environmental protection"。 Whether it is "peace" or "development" are inextricably linked with the environment。

   The definition of the environment is very broad, pided into two major categories of material and non-material factors。 Substance factors include the existence of all the concrete forms of the atmosphere, soil, water, animals, plants, microorganisms, etc。, and material factors such as concepts, systems, and behavioral norms。 And this design for the object, is one of the important components of environmental protection - sewage treatment。

   It is well known that humans play the role of a consumer in the biosphere material and energy cycle and are the largest group of consumers。 With the improvement of social productive forces, the progress of urbanization, the rapid development of industry, the substantial increase in the level of living material。 Per capita energy consumption and per capita pollution is also increasingly high。 Similarly, in order to support and meet the high consumption level of residents, the industrial level should go hand in hand, the construction of various types of factories and industrial parks is inevitable。 Industrial development and environmental protection seems to have always been a rival, is contrary to the two propositions。 Admittedly, more and more developed industry, means more and more pollution, more and more wastewater。 But we can not choke food, in order to achieve a beautiful environment and completely abandon the industrial development of the secondary industry。 Although the country's and people's awareness of environmental protection and scientific and technological development, industrial pollution ratio is declining, but the total value of pollution is still rising, in the total amount of sewage still occupy a high proportion (about a percentage Of the 49)。 In this situation, the development of improved sewage treatment process, the construction of various reasonable and effective sewage treatment plant has become an urgent task。

   The design task requires the treatment of water for the 20000m3 / d of an industrial park sewage treatment plant water, including domestic sewage and fluorine chemical and metallurgical industry-based industrial wastewater, designed flow of 20,000 m3 / d。 The influent water quality BOD5, COD, SS, ammonia nitrogen, TN, TP were: 250mg / L, 550mg / L, 350mg / L, 30mg / L, 3mg / L。 In accordance with the requirements of water storage, the water to achieve "urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standards" GB18918-2002 Class B emission standards。

   Wastewater treatment plants are still being used in sewage treatment plants around the world。 Large types include activated sludge, aeration biofilter and UNITANK process。 And the most widely used, the most complete technology, the most mature technology, the most reliable equipment, the most successful case was active sludge method。

















