摘要光催化技术是二十一世纪一种绿色环保的技术,TiO2 作为最具代表性的典型 光催化剂,用它来光电催化降解毒性大、难生物降解、可生化性差的有机污染物 是人们关注的热点话题。而采用不同方法制备的 TiO2 形态结构各有不同,从而 就影响了光催化效率。TiO2 纳米管阵列与粉末状的 TiO2 相比,因其更高的比表 面积和更好的电子传递性能而占据了很大的优势,国内外研究者们都进行了广泛 的研究。但是 TiO2 光催化剂也存在两个限制其应用到实际生活中的问题,一是 只能吸收利用紫外光的光能,而对太阳光中可见光的利用率非常低;二是 TiO2 的量子化效率低,在光照条件下受激发的光生电荷和空穴容易复合,使电子传递 速率也有所降低。因此,通过对 TiO2 改性来提高可见光的利用率的研究报道越 来越多。81712

近年来,二维层状类石墨烯 MoS2 引起广大学者的广泛研究。MoS2 单层结 构是由六方晶系的单层二硫化钼组成,其具有三明治夹心层状结构的准二维晶体 结构。因其具有良好的光学、热学、机械力学等特性,尤其是在室温下电子的迁 移率较高,导电性能优异,使其成为可以应用在电子、传感器、催化、能源储存 等方面的具有潜力的新型材料。针对以上问题,本文以 TiO2 纳米管阵列为基础, 运用光辅助电化学沉积法,通过测定光电流探索出最佳沉积电压后,以四硫代钼 酸铵溶液作为电解液,将半导体 MoS2 负载在 TiO2 电极片上对其加以修饰改性, 后期对 MoS2/TiO2 复合纳米管阵列电极材料的形貌、结构以及光电化学特性进行 一系列的讨论和表征,以染料废水亚甲基蓝溶液作为目标污染物,对复合电极的 光电催化活性进行考察。结果表明:采用电沉积法反应 30 min,在 TiO2 纳米管 上沉积的 MoS2 可以显著提高 TiO2 纳米管的可见光催化效率。经测定,在可见光 的条件下,MoS2/TiO2 复合纳米管阵列电极与纯 TiO2 纳米管阵列电极相比,光电 催化降解染料废水的效率得到了显著提高,

毕业论文关键词:TiO2 纳米管阵列,光电催化,电化学沉积,MoS2

Abstract Photocatalytic technology is a green environmental protection technology in the 21st Century。 As the most representative photocatalyst, it is a hot topic of people's attention, which is used for the photocatalytic degradation of toxic, refractory  and poor biochemical organic pollutants。 And morphology and structure are different using different preparation methods of TiO2。 Thus, it will affect the photocatalytic efficiency。 Compared with powder TiO2, TiO2 nanotube arrays occupy a great advantage because of its higher surface area and better electron transfer properties, which have been studied extensively by researchers at home and abroad 。 However, there are two limitations of TiO2 photocatalyst which are applied to real life。 The first is that it can only absorb UV light , but the utilization of visible light in the sun is very low。The second is TiO2 has low quantum efficiency。 Under the condition of light, the charge and hole are easily mixed so that the electron transfer rate is reduced。 Therefore, the study of improving the utilization of visible light through the TiO2modified is more and more。

In recent years, a two-dimensional layered graphene like MoS2 caused extensive study。 The single layer structure of MoS2is composed of six hexagonal monolayer, having asandwich layered structure of quasi two-dimensional crystal structure。 Because of its good optical, thermal and mechanical properties, especially in the high electron mobility at room temperature and excellent conductive properties, it can be used in electronic, sensor, catalysis, new materials with potential energy storage。 To solve the above problems, this paper is based on TiO2 nanotube arrays using photo assisted electrochemical deposition method。 By measuring the light current, the optimum deposition voltage is explored。 Using (NH4)2MoS4 as the electrolyte, the semiconductor MoS2is loaded in TiO2 electrode。 Then the morphology of the composite, structure and photoelectron chemical properties were discussed。 The morphology of the composite material, structure and photoelectric properties were discussed by using MB as the target pollutants。 The results show that MOS2/TiO2 can

















