    摘要:高中思想政治新课标制定了“三文一体”的课程目标,而课堂交往的有效开展是教学的关键环节,能够很好的将课程目标融入到课堂教学中。在专业知识的基础上,釆用理论联系实际的方法,对交往、课堂交往有关理论及高中思想政治课学科特点进行理解。总结出高中思想政治课堂交往存在的生生交往时间有限并且形式单一、师生交往流于表面、交往对象狭隘、师生交往信息单向性等突出问题。并从社会、教师和学生三个方面探究产生这些问题的原因, 从而提出高中思想政治课课堂交往方式的改进的几个具体对策,主要体现为:更新教师教学观念和教学方法,丰富教学内容,改变教学方式,营造愉快的课堂气氛。26309
    毕业论文关键词:高中思想政治课;生生交往 ;师生交往
    The problems and Countermeasures of high school
         ideological and political classroom interaction   
     Abstract: New ideological and political course in high school to develop a curriculum objectives of "three in one", and to carry out an effective communication in the classroom is the key link of teaching, can very good curriculum objectives into classroom teaching. On the basis of professional knowledge, the theory is adopted to contact the actual method, and through the analysis of the understanding of the theory of communication and classroom communication and the characteristics of Ideological and political course in senior middle school.The communication in high school ideological and political class student student communication time is limited and in the form of a single, communication between teachers and students mere surface, contacts in the narrow, teachers and students exchanges information one-way outstanding issues. And from three aspects of the society, teachers and students to explore the reasons of these problems, and puts forward several specific countermeasures of improvement of the mode of classroom communication in high school ideological and political class, mainly reflected in the following aspects: updating teaching ideas and teaching methods, enrich the teaching contents, changing teaching methods, to create a happy classroom atmosphere.
    Keywords:High school ideological and political lesson;Student Association; Teacher-student relationship
    摘要    1
    引言    1
    一、高中思想政治课课堂交往概述    1
    (一)课堂交往相关概念    1
    (二)高中思想政治课课堂交往    2
    二、高中思想政治课课堂交往中存在的问题及原因    2
    (一)高中思想政治课课堂交往存在的问题    2
    (二)高中思想政治课课堂交往问题的原因分析    4
    三、高中思想政治课课堂交往方式的改进    5
    (一)教师要彻底的改变教学观念    5
    (二)科学安排教学内容    5
    (三)改进教学方法    6
    结语    6
    参考文献    7
    Abstract    8
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