    Using virtual technology of primary school Chinese learning
    Abstract:In the current context of the Internet age, to provide students with rich learning resources and effective learning environment is a major problem faced by teachers, primary school Chinese classroom teaching, teachers are using simple words, pictures or the creation of situations through dynamic Webpage, Flash technology and so on, but these methods in a real environment, real time interaction and so on has many deficiencies, and the virtual technology has a strong image display function, by contrast, was the creation of learning environment is more suitable for the use of virtual technology. This article from the introduction of the concept of virtual technology, the necessity of learning in primary school Chinese teaching situation through the analysis, from the import, heavy and difficult to explain, review and consolidate the knowledge development, four aspects of experience, combined with case analysis, summed up the small study of Chinese situational teaching should pay attention to the issue of application of virtual technology, enhance the students in order to understand the ability, improve the quality of teaching of primary school Chinese class.
    Key words:Virtual technologies; primary school; learning situations
    目    录
    摘要    1
    ABSTRACT    1
    1.虚拟技术定义及其特征    2
    2.学习情境在小学语文教学中的必要性    3
    2.1小学语文课程特点    3
    2.2小学生特点分析    3
    2.3情境教学的优势    3
    3.虚拟技术在小学语文情境教学中的应用    4
    3.1在导入环节中的应用    4
    3.2在重难点讲解中的应用    5
    3.3在复习巩固环节中的应用    7
    3.4在知识拓展环节中的应用    7
    4.运用虚拟技术进行小学语文情境教学时应注意的问题    8
    4.1素材获取的简易性    9
    4.2情境主题的真实性    9
    4.3情境设置的目的性    9
    4.4情境设置的有效性    9
    4.5教师引导的必要性    9
    结束语    10
    参考文献    10
    致谢    11
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