    [摘 要] 爱在左,同情在右。没有爱,就没有教育,爱使教育成为真善美的乌托邦,教师与学生是平等的生命个体,因此尊重生命是教育的伦理起点,要注重生命个体与生命个体之间的心灵交流。让孩子像野花一样自然成长,呵护孩子个性的花蕾,只有教育“慢下来”,孩子们才有更多的力气吸收养分,让每个孩子能够快乐地成为他自己。小学语文教学中的慢也并不是漫无目的,一懒与拖。表面上,整个教学放慢了节奏,减慢了教学进度,实际上留给了孩子们更多的时间用来思考和感悟。34131
    [毕业论文关键词] 慢教育;爱;尊重;思文的课堂;情感的课堂;生活的课堂
    Love at left, Compassion at right——To explore the slow art in primary school Chinese teaching
    Abstract:  Love at left, compassion at right. No love, no education .Love make education become    true utopia, teachers and students are equal inpidual life, therefore, respect for life is starting point of education ethics, should pay attention to inpidual life and the soul communication between the inpidual life. Let children grow up like wild flowers naturally, care for children the bud of inpidual character, only education "slow down", the children to have more strength to absorb nutrients, let every child can become his own happiness. Primary school Chinese teaching of slow not aimlessly, just lazy and drag. On the surface, the whole teaching slow rhythm, slowing down the teaching schedule, actually more time for children to think and feel.
    The elementary school language classroom should be full of "vitality" of the classroom, is to focus on "people" of the development of the classroom, is active thinking, emotional, classroom full of life color. How to make the classroom of primary school Chinese "slow", let the classroom coruscate life vitality, need the wisdom of the teacher.
    Keywords :  Slow education;Love;Education;Thinking of the classroom;Emotional  classroomLife classroom
    摘要    1
    目 录    2
    引言:爱在左,同情在右    3
    一、慢教育的意蕴    3      
      (一)慢教育的含义      4
      (二)快与慢的辩证关系—慢些,我们会更快      4
          1. 快速积累      5
          2.“慢”能促进“快”      5
    二、慢教育理念下语文课堂的表现      5
      (一)思文的课堂      5
      (二)情感的课堂      6
      (三)生活的课堂      7
    三、如何打造小学语文“慢”的课堂      8
      (一)创设和谐氛围,熏陶感染      8
            营造和谐课堂的策略    9
            1.课前的隐性备课是“慢”的开始    9
            2.准确把握学情    9
            3.让微笑贯穿课堂     9
      (二)教师有效引导,慢而有序      10
      (三)留给孩子时间,体验感悟      10
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