    The Current Status and Strategy research of WeChat in kindergarten contact situation—
    —the S preschool of ZhouKou
    Abstract: With the progress of human society development,education field is also combined with networking. The Wechat which is one of the most famous APP is playing an important role in the home to contact .It is a cross-platform communication tool and supports both single-player and multiplayer. It could send voice, images, video, and text, provide the public platform, circle of friends, pushing news,and other functions through the mobile phone network. Wechat brings home produced service is a kind of new growth and evolution.Now the mainstream of parents age after 80, most of them have a strong dependence on mobile phones, pay more attention to mobile information retrieval and also pay attention to the service quality of the kindergarten. The mobile services keeping pace with the times let parents shine at the moment and is also a kind of an important way that can improve the quality of kindergarten services and brand strength. Therefore,In this paper, we will investigate the application of Wechat in the home to contact in the S preschool through questionnaire investigation and interview method. We present situation analysis from the viewpoint of the contact of kindergarten and home,the practicability of Wechat public platform,the problems of communication between parents and kindergarten and so on,and we will cause the reason from that. On the basis of this, my suggestion is more training, increasing the speaking ability with aid, breaking the tradition and innovating new forms.
    Keywords: Home Contact; WeChat; Network
    目  录

    摘要     1
    Abstract     1
    一、相关概念的界定    2
    (一)微信的概念    2
    (二)家园联系的概念    2
    二、微信在幼儿园家园联系运用中的现状分析    3
    (一)分析微信在幼儿园家园联系运用中的优点    3
    (二)分析微信在幼儿园家园联系运用中的缺点    7
    (三)分析微信在幼儿园家园联系现状运用中的缺点及产生的原因    7
    三、针对微信在幼儿园家园联系运用中的缺点提出建议    8
    (一)增添多种移动终端编辑发送功能    8
    (二)增加辅助工具    8
    (三)多多训练,加强实操能力    9
    (四)利用多种传递功能发送消息    8
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