    摘要: 幼儿园晨操活动的开展能促进幼儿身体各器官及系统技能的正常生长发育,能促进幼儿身心和谐发展,能增加幼儿对晨操活动的兴趣,能养成幼儿良好的行为习惯,是增强幼儿体质的有效手段。鉴于此,本文通过文献法和观察法,针对商丘A幼儿园晨操活动的开展展开调查,主要从教师和幼儿的出勤人数、晨操活动内容的选择、活动准备、活动组织、指导方式、幼儿兴趣、活动效果等多个角度进行现状分析,找出存在的问题。并分析其形成不足的原因有:幼儿园安全管理漏洞;教师教学能力较低;教师和家长教育观念的局限性;幼儿主观能动性较差。在此基础上,提出有效、合理的开展幼儿园晨操活动的建议:提高教师整体素质、加强教师在职培训;教师和家长要更新传统教育观念;幼儿园、教师和家庭共同携手加强幼儿园晨操活动的开展。38103
    Study on the problem of the trackwork activities of A kindergarten in Shangqiu
    Abstract: Kindergarten trackwork campaigns is the effective measure to improve infant physical fitness, also can promote children's body organs and systems skills of normal growth and development, promote the harmonious development of children's physical and mental, increase children's interest in trackwork activity, develop children's good behavior habits. In view of this, this article carrys out the investigation through literature and observation method, aiming at trackwork activities of A kindergarten in shangqiu. I analyze the status to find out the existing problems through verious ways, such as teachers and children's attendance, trackwork, content selection, preparation, activities, children's interest and results of activities. The mainly reasons are: lack of abilities of teachers; the limitations of parent education idea; children's poor subjective initiative activeness. In the end, the article makes some effective and reasonable suggestions: such as improving teachers' quality; strengthening teachers' in-service training; updating the traditional education concept of teachers and parents; working together to strengthen the kindergarten trackwork campaigns.
    Keywords: Kindergarten; Trackwork activity; advice
    目  录

    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    一、幼儿园晨操活动概述    2
    (一)幼儿园晨操活动的含义、种类、开展时间    2
    (二)幼儿园晨操活动开展对幼儿的意义    3
    二、商丘A幼儿园晨操活动开展现状    3
    (一)商丘A幼儿园晨操活动开展的优势    3
    (二)商丘A幼儿园晨操活动开展的不足    5
    三、商丘A幼儿园晨操活动开展中存在不足的原因    8
    (一)幼儿园安全管理漏洞    8
    (二)教师教学能力较低    8
    (三)教师和家长教育观念的局限性    8
    (四)幼儿主观能动性较差    9
    四、优化幼儿园晨操活动的建议    9
    (一)提高教师整体素质、加强教师在职培训    10
    (二)教师和家长要更新传统教育观念    10
    (三)幼儿园、教师和家庭共同携手加强幼儿园晨操活动的开展    10
    参考文献    11
    附录    12
    致谢    13
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