    The Elementary School Mathematics Classroom Teaching Effective Interaction between Teachers and Students to Study
    —In zhoukou zuofang primary school
    Abstract: "Mathematics curriculum standard" (2011) points out that the teaching activities is the teachers and students actively participate in the process of interaction and common development, communication. Effective teaching activities is the unity of the students learning and teachers' teaching and students is the main body of learning, teachers are organizers, guiders and cooperators. In view of this, this article through classroom observation and interview method, in view of zhoukou zuofang elementary school mathematics classroom teaching effective interaction between teachers and students study, mainly from various angles and so on questions of the teachers and students group cooperation to analyze its existing problems and influencing factors. Based on this, puts forward some countermeasures for realizing the elementary school mathematics classroom teaching effective interaction between teachers and students, to strengthen the theory and practice of teacher training; Establishment is advantageous to the interactive classroom learning space layout; Create equal and democratic relationship between teachers and students; School and family, society work together to solve
    Keywords: The elementary school mathematics;The classroom teaching;Interaction between teachers and students
    目  录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、相关概念的界定    2
    (一)师生互动    2
    (二)课堂教学师生有效互动    2
    二、小学数学课堂教学师生互动现状分析    3
    (一)师生问答中存在的问题    3
    (二)小组活动中存在的问题    5
    三、小学数学课堂教学师生互动问题的成因分析    7
    (一)教师因素    7
    (二)学生因素    10
    四、实现小学数学课堂教学师生有效互动的策略    11
    (一)加强教师理论与实践的培训    11
    (二)创设有利于互动的空间布局    12
    (三)构建平等、民主的师生关系    12
    参考文献    13
    附录    14
    致谢    15
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