    The Investigation of Zhoukou City A kindergarten Small Class  Children's Sex Education
    Abstract: The sex education is a kind of education activities on gender as a standard classification, it determines a person’s behavior pattern. Sex education right is conducive to children’s physical and mental development, plays an important role and value for the healthy growth of children. In view of this, this article through the observation method and interview method, in view of the present situation of A small classes in kindergarten children sex education in Zhoukou city, and find the existing problems: Education neglected children androgyny education development; Subjects lack pertinence; Education organization form is single, lack of flexibility; the transfer of. Education assessment center, paying too much attention to results. By the author based on the analysis of the facts, based on the above results, the author puts forward some suggestions: Teachers to guide children androgyny; Choose the right theme; Educational organization pay attention to children’s interest; Educational evaluation should pay equal attention to adhere to the process and results of. Hope that through these measures can effectively improve sex education classes in A kindergarten in Zhoukou success.
     Keywords: kindergarten; Small class child; Sex education
    目  录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、周口市A幼儿园小班幼儿性别教育的调查结果分析    2
    (一)小班幼儿性别教育的目标    2
    (二)小班幼儿性别教育的内容    3
    (三)小班幼儿性别教育的组织形式    4
    (四)小班幼儿性别教育评价    4
    二、周口市A幼儿园小班幼儿性别教育中存在的问题    5
    (一)小班性别教育目标忽略了幼儿双性化发展    5
    (二)小班性别教育内容随意性强,缺乏针对性    5
    (三)小班性别教育的组织形式单一,缺少灵活性    6
    (四)小班性别教育评价重心转移,过于关注结果    6
    三、改善幼儿园小班幼儿性别教育的建议    7
    (一)教师引导培养幼儿双性化人格    7
    (二)选择合适的活动主题,树立幼儿正确的性别观念    7
    (三)教育组织形式关注幼儿兴趣,积极发挥游戏的作用    7
    (四)教育评价要坚持过程与结果的并重    8
    参考文献    9
    附录I    10
    附录II    11
    致谢    12
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