    The Research on Creation of the Physical Environment in the Urban kindergarten
    ——taking T kindergarten in zhoukou city as an example
        Abstract: Material environment plays an important role in the kindergarten environment creation. It not only has a great influence on the development of the children, to provide the material guarantee for children's physical and mental health, but also promotes the children's development and needs. Creating the fine environment, perfect facilities, advanced teaching is to promote the material guarantee for the healthy growth of children. In this paper, physical environment of Zhoukou T kindergarten were studied by using the method of observation, literature analysis, interviews and other methods. The combination of Zhoukou is building a new T kindergarten and putting forward the construction of physical environment and optimize the strategy, through the creation of good environment, complete equipment, advanced technology to create a warm and harmonious environment, indoor physical environment, outdoor environment; the implementation of flexible use of abundant materials and other measures, hoping Zhoukou Kindergarten T is able to take new construction of kindergarten for an opportunity to improve the efficiency of the physical environment, giving full play to the role of the physical environment on children's educational function, to provide good environment for children's life and study.
    Keywords: kindergarten; physical environment; environment creation; functional facilities
    目 录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、幼儿园的物质环境创设的概述    2
    (一)幼儿园物质环境的含义    2
    (二)幼儿园物质环境的要素、结构与功能    2
    二、市区幼儿园物质环境创设的经验    3
    (一)创设安全的物质环境    3
    (二)选择相适应的材料    4  
    (三)利用有限的物质材料    4
    三、市区幼儿园物质环境创设存在的问题    5
    (一)宏观环境布局不够合理    5
    (二)建设用地不符合标准    5
    (三)园舍建筑组成不够完善    6
    (四)室外体育活动设备不够健全    6
    (五)室内班级教学设施不够完备    6
    (优尔)区角创设材料不够丰富    6
    四、市区幼儿园物质环境创设的策略    7
    (一)合理布局宏观环境    7
    (二)规范建设用地标准    8
    (三)完善园舍建筑组成    8
    (四)健全室外体育活动设备    9
  1. 上一篇:活动目标在幼儿园实践中的问题与对策
  2. 下一篇:蒙台梭利数学教育思想在幼儿园生活中的应用
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