    Research on the influence of group identity and the existence of third party on the altruistic punishment of College Students
    Abstract: The purpose of the study was to explore the influence of the existence of third party and different groups of identity on altruistic behavior .The research used experimental method, randomly designed two factors to studied the effects of group identity and third party on college student’s altruistic punishments. 64 participants were selected and randomly pided into 8 groups , each group accepted only one Guide language in which instructions were consistent in addition to the experimental treatment. Everyone cooperated and made  penalty decision on experimental materials .The research results showed that the main effect of group identity was significant, and the interaction between group identity and third party was significant,too (F=2.971, p<0.05). Come to conclusion that (1) third party existence condition reduced the cooperation in colleagues treatment group, and improved the cooperation in treatment group of strangers, students and family compared with the group of no third party existence.(2)third party existence condition reduced altruistic punishments in colleagues treatment group, and improved the altruistic punishments in treatment group of strangers, students and family compared without third party existence groups.
    Keywords:group identity; altruistic punishment; existence of third party
    目  录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    1引言    2
    1.1利他惩罚    2
    1.2利他惩罚的影响因素    3
    1.3问题提出    5
    2研究设计    5
    2.1 研究对象    5
    2.2 研究工具    5
    2.3 研究过程与统计分析    5
    3研究结果    6
    3.1 不同合作水平的惩罚强度    6
    3.2 不同处理组合作水平与惩罚强度    7
    3.3 群体身份、第三方存在影响合作水平及利他惩罚的方差分析    8
    4讨论与分析    10
    4.1群体身份对合作和利他惩罚的影响    10
    4.2群体身份与第三方存在交互作用显著    11
    4.3不足与展望    12
    5结论    12
    参考文献    13
    附录Ⅰ    15
    致谢    16
    利他惩罚(altruistic punishment)是指惩罚行为实施者力图文护公正或恢复公正而实施的惩罚行为,有代价惩罚的结果是一种利他而产生了利他惩罚这个概念[1]。 Fehr等人最早进行了利他惩罚的研究并提出对搭便车者也即背叛者的消极情绪或“不公平厌恶”(Inequity Aversion)是利他惩罚行为产生的直接机制,且认为惩罚者对背叛者实施的利他惩罚行为是解释合作的关键[2]。研究发现即使惩罚必须要付出成本和代价,大多数人仍然用惩罚来表达对搭便车者的不满即使不实施惩罚比实施惩罚有更好的收益。利他惩罚能够影响人们的行为方式、文护社会规范、促进公平合作,进而促进社会的和谐。因此,利他惩罚在人类合作的演化发展中占有极其重要的地位[3]。
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